Thursday, October 29, 2015


Pinkie's twin(?) sister Marble is a lot like me. I already made an OC, but the two of them are certainly in a position to be friends. I imagine she would have a little more to say when Pinkie isn't around, but when she is around Pinkie overshadows her and does all the talking. People have done that to me, related or not. I know it was most likely a joke to put her and Big Mac in the same box, but she still tried to duck back into the house before meeting the Apples.

Opening the episode with Ruby at her mom's grave was a nice touch too. Blake made the best faces throughout the episode. A new voice actor for Ren will mean that he gets to talk more, since Monty didn't like to talk. I think he's said more in the first episode of volume 3 than most of the episodes he'd been in before. I'm sure Monty's brother will do a fine job in his stead according to his wishes. It was weird at first but time to move on. Yuri Lowenthal, who also has a voice credit in X-Ray and Vav, also joins them this season as a replacement voice. It's also rumored that Vic Mignogna will be Yang and Ruby's Uncle Qrow.

In one of the D&D games I'm involved in, I used grasping vine to grab a werebear and throw it into a pack of direwolves, which ate him. As for Critical Role, Sam is owning Scanlan pretending to be a peasant boy, which is fitting since he himself looks like a twelve-year-old on school picture day without his beard. The fight was pretty epic. Things are getting crazy.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Check-in Time

I uploaded my Digimon video on Tuesday and it remains untouched by copyright bots. Yay! I also finished this month's story, in which the situation has grown pretty serious. Just in time for RWBY this weekend. I saw the opening sequence, and while it's my least favorite of the three, it is by no means boring. Speaking of, Yang won her death battle against Tifa. I thought for sure Tifa would win, but I'm glad it was Yang. If only Monty were alive to see this.

The ending to Tales from the Borderlands was perfect - very satisfying. Life is Strange, not so much (unless you're Ray and you get to hear Frank reference his beans and you choose to sacrifice Chloe). I didn't particularly like Chloe, but I'm a sucker for rekindling old friendships. It made sense, but it just would have been better if they had a) called the cops as soon as they found Rachel's body and b) warned everyone about the storm and had them evacuate since they believed you about Jefferson for some inexplicable reason. I agree with Ray that the Chloe death ending made the whole game pointless (even though everything else you changed remained, like Kate if you were able to save her). If they still wanted a funeral ending, why not Rachel's? The other ending made it seem like the whole town died and the two of them left for California, which is probably what happened and a bit sick in its own way. The only thing wrong with the ending in the beginning of the episode was that Max went to the art thing and forgot the storm was coming (though who could blame her?).

Teen Titans Go! threw another tantrum. They have to realize that a kids cartoon doesn't have to be juvenile (though not all of it is, most of it's pretty bad). I didn't have any complaints about the art style, but they responded by making it even more deformed. Nothing seems wrong with their emoting as long as they remain true to their established characters (another reason why I think it would have done better with original characters). I enjoyed the episodes about Raven and Trigon, though. Making villains relateable, even if they are horrible, is not that far afield from the old cartoon.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More to the Story

Since I was in the hospital again for a couple of days, you might be wondering if I was going to project that onto my character Sayuri. All that happened was that I needed different medication, so nothing special is going to happen to her if I decide to write anything at all...maybe. I haven't really gotten into it. However, I had one idea for a joke for my Kingdom Hearts 3 story, though. The situation is that the Sayuri and the apprentices aren't sure whether or not Braig is capable of returning to normal or if he even remembers them at all (though attempts have been made, they don't know whether or not they have succeeded). At the end of all that, Ienzo says "Please, Braig. Just be your normal self again." All Braig can say at first is "I'm sorry," which catches everyone off-guard. Then he grabs Ienzo and gives him a noogie. "I'm sorry, but did you say 'Please Braig. Start messing with me again?'"

One of the D&D campaigns I'm playing had a Halloween dungeon side quest. Last weekend we had some memorable moments as we finished it. An out of context quote worthy of the site: "You can't roll for my [elf] eyes!" when one player wanted to roll to know what another saw. There was also a point where we were looking over a room and the men failed their perception checks. The girls didn't, but it turned out to be a laundry room.

The Dino Charge Halloween episode was a clip show as per usual, but there was enough story to trick me into thinking it wasn't. That's a point in its favor (it was actually really good).

Mark Hamill as The Joker as Slappy? Sold. That's not what happened but it was a good idea Brad, Doug, and Rob suggested.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


I couldn't get what I wanted for the all-day breakfast at McDonald's because it turns out only a few items can be served all day. My mom and my brother got what they wanted (egg McMuffin and pancakes), but I couldn't get a bagel sandwich or even the egg white McMuffin. I got a cheeseburger and fries instead but I'm still pissed. There are more important things in life, but I was looking forward to saving that thing for later.

Watching Brad review Tequila and Bonetti cheered me up, if only because he was joined by Allison and Phelan, and the episode starred Shanelle Workman. Baby Relena-senpai (Larxene)!! It's like Nella squeeing over baby Christian Bale in Newsies. Speaking of my fan fiction, though, I had a weird dream a while ago in which my character was wearing an orange bikini instead of her usual attire. Just going about the scene as normal, and no one else had a reaction to it. Anyway, Calluna wins Halloween with her HalloweenTown movie reviews.

A new episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged came out. In it, Rebecca glomps Yugi, causing him to remark, "You must have me confused with Bakura. He's used to being assaulted." It made me think about Ryou being uncomfortable with that kind of attention in the manga, and it made me wonder what it would be like if Ryou just gave up on life. The beginning of the Millennium World arc would have a different tone if he gave up inside the church. Who knows? Maybe LittleKuriboh will actually have him do that when it gets to that point.


So I couldn't help myself and wrote the secession article anyway and posted it because I found the right pictures to go with it. The ideas just had to come out, even if I wasn't going to get paid for them.

When in doubt, Yesterday I found the top 10 hottest female Power Rangers and the top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh! duels. My favorites weren't on either of those lists, but I respect their decisions...for the most part. They haven't done a top 10 list of the hottest male Power Rangers (I know they at least have girls on their staff), so I'd like them to get on that. I hope the actors are flattered.

I'm hyped for the RWBY game as well as for volume 3 to start on the 24th. I still have to write a couple more pages of my current story by the end of the month. It's kind of a tricky scene I'm on. Next month's story focuses more on the characters themselves before endgame starts, so I'm looking forward to writing that. As for Goosebumps, I read that it got a 7.8 from IGN (whose opinion I don't necessarily respect but it is the only review I've seen so far) and that the ending was lazy. That's all Goosebumps books, though.

I had this weird, spooky dream about Kingdom Hearts. I was with Even and Ienzo, but Even was a ghost for some reason and Ienzo had gotten possessed by something that had come through a portal they had opened. Then I woke up so I can't say anything more. I really wanted to see where this was going, but my alarm clock said otherwise. I'm really hoping I start feeling better soon so I can enjoy more spooky stuff. Getting sick in the beginning of the month really put a damper on things.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


I wanted to write a scene in which Xehanort tricks Ienzo into helping him, since Ienzo is credited with asking Ansem to build the secret room. We saw Ienzo staring at him and Braig, calling Ansem's attention to them like he didn't trust them, so it would have taken something like bringing his parents back to turn that around. To do that, I had to think of a way that could have possibly sounded like a persuasive argument (I'm still not clear on how everything works since there have been so many exceptions). Ienzo being a kid doesn't have much to do with it other than his vulnerability, since all the adults were fooled by Xehanort too. The apprentices never wanted anything bad to happen; they just wanted what they could get out of it, which turned out to be a lie.

"Whose kid is that?" Xehanort asked Braig.
"You mean Ienzo?" Braig remarked. "His parents were apprentices too, but they died in an accident. We take care of him now."
"I see..."
"Hey, go easy on him," Braig warned, not knowing what he was up to. "No one messes with him but me."
Xehanort approached Ienzo when he was alone. "I heard about your parents. I'm sorry." Ienzo shifted uncomfortably but didn't say anything. "You must want them back more than anything, don't you?"
"There isn't a way," Ienzo murmured.
"Have you tried?"
Ienzo took a step away from him, not trusting him. "No. Even can make replicas using people's DNA, but that isn't the same as bringing them back. Once they're gone, that's it."
"You poor thing...You don't know about the heart of all worlds."
"Where does a person's heart go when they die?"
"It stops beating."
"Not that kind of heart, their life essence. People's hearts return to the heart of the world. If you were to add that to replicas, then wouldn't they have the same personalities and memories as when they were alive?" Xehanort was using clever words to trick him, and it was working. "I'll help you find them, but first you have to help me."
"What do you want me to do?" the boy asked uncertainly.
"All you have to do is be a good boy and follow my instructions to the letter. Can you do that?" Ienzo thought about it and then nodded slowly.
Their research went on in secret until Ansem caught Ienzo accessing the secret room one night. "Ienzo? Why are you going down there this late at night?"
Ienzo froze. Xehanort had told him this day would come; he'd have to choose between his parents and his master. "X...Xehanort asked me for a favor..."
"Does this favor involve opening the door to the heart of the world? I told him it's forbidden. You would do well to go back to your room."
"Is it true?" Ienzo whispered. "Can he really retrieve my parents' hearts from there?"
Ansem was shocked and fearful. "What has he been telling you?!"
"If it's true, I...I want to try! Please, Master!"
"No! Go to your room, and I'll sort this out with him."
Ienzo went down the passage instead. When he and Ansem reached the secret room, Xehanort was already there lying in wait. Before Ienzo could react, Xehanort banished their master to the Realm of Darkness.
"Don't blame yourself," Xehanort said when Ienzo didn't move, still staring at the space where Ansem had been. "It was the inevitable result of his meddling."

More Out There

Memorable quotes from a recent CR: "I'm not burning a restoration spell on your drunk state!" and "Your kid is weird." I'm trying to channel Pike in my professional life and play similar to Keyleth as my druid character (I would've also reacted to Percy's outburst the same way as well as try to level with another druid). Funny thing is, our host moved house recently to Pike Place, and the road that turns into there is Mercer Street.

The Crusaders got their cutie marks - f*cking finally! They may have waited too long to do this because it almost didn't seem real. Instead of realizing individual talents, they gave them all the talent of helping others with their identity crises (Appleloosa's Most Wanted was still stupid though). Silver Spoon finally kicked Diamond Tiara to the curb, but I feel like it would've made more sense if Tiara hadn't shut her down so that when she lost, Spoon could've said "Oh no. Her mom's going to be so mad at her." As her best friend, she should know what her mother is like. At least Tiara's dad isn't a monster.

I don't know if I want to continue writing for HubPages. It's not a great source of income, and they increased the minimum to fifty dollars instead of ten. I've been there for four and a half years, and I was so close to earning ten dollars, but now it looks like I'll never get paid. It's not a priority for me right now. RWBY starts on the 24th, and I'm in the middle of one of my stories with two to go afterward. If I were to make time to write another Hub article, it would be on the pros and cons of secession. I don't know if it's worth it, though.

Monday, October 5, 2015

That Wasn't Fun

I had to go to the hospital again on Friday and didn't get out until Sunday. Now I need a week to recover my strength, plus my arms and hands are bruised from all the needles they stuck in me. I know I was getting run down with the hours I was putting in, but I lost days of work. That's income I'm not getting back. At least I have time to catch up with some stuff. The CSI finale was a little cringe-worthy considering the current climate of mass shootings (they used bombs, but still, terrorism). I understand that it was supposed to end this way from the outset, but some things just felt a little out of place. This isn't the same show as it once was, for better or for worse. I wasn't happy to see Grissom at all. If I were Sara, I wouldn't have gone with him in the end. Overall, these episodes made me feel sad for a lot of reasons.
Otherwise, I dropped all the shows I said I was going to, including New Orleans after the season premiere. There was so much I didn't like about it, and I don't have time to continue. I now have two episodes of Critical Role to catch up on sometime this week, and I have to have at least half of my next story finished by mid-month when my follow-up appointments are. I thought September was busy, but this month is shaping up to be even busier.

McDonald's all-day breakfast starts tomorrow. That's gonna be pretty sweet.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Love and Tolerate

I couldn't help but notice the horseshoes slung over the tree branch in Made in Manehattan. It's probably innocent, but if not, that means drug dealers are canon in MLP. As for The Friendship Games, it was definitely a buy-our-toys cash grab. What normal school has motocross? Anyway, I haven't seen it all the way through as I'm waiting for the DVD, but I have seen clips on youtube and read the synopsis on the wiki. "Unleash the Magic" made it seem like Twilight was in a coven of sorts with the principal and students pressuring her into using the magic stored in her locket. In true B horror movie fashion, they abandon her when it goes wrong (although one student does blame the principal for letting it happen). With this installment, I think Sunset has earned main character status for these movies, but I still can't help wondering what the real Sunset of this world is like. Many in the comments I've read think that Sunset should return to Equestria and be in the main show in some capacity.

Next year I'm going to put together a CinemaSins parody video about the first five episodes of Ninja Turtles: Next Mutation with the tagline "No incarnation is without sin." Not only is it to prove that I can point out the flaws in something I liked, but I also thought I'd do it for its own good. I'm sure other people would be a lot harsher with it than I'm going to be, as sins videos usually point out mistakes on a technical frame-by-frame level. I'm not that skilled, so I'll be sticking to the plot holes and sloppy writing, things I just can't agree with. The bonus round will be generalized sins from the rest of the series as a whole, but I'm mainly going to focus on the first five, Raiders of the Story Arc style.

Hetalia surprised me again with giving me another episode I've wanted to see for a long time. Season one focused a lot on how Britain and America became brothers, but now we've finally gotten an episode where France and Britain fought to make Canada their brother as well (even if it didn't last that long). Instead of getting bored with Canada pretty quickly after running excitedly in circles around him, I was hoping America would have hugged him. No such luck, especially with America acting like a spoiled brat around Britain and hogging all the attention.