Wednesday, December 15, 2021

One Last Time

I probably won’t make another top 10 list for Random Encounters, but Bendy and the Wolf was awesome.

When Catherine O'Hara wasn't in Oogie's Revenge, she was replaced by Kath Soucie. When she wasn't in the 2021 Halloween concert, she was replaced by Billie Eilish and Weird Al. That was a choice. It looked like they were all having fun. I especially like that Greg was wearing a fez. Seeing Ken Page on stage singing Oogie's Song reminded me of when he played the Walrus in Adventures in Wonderland. Greg even got to be Santa.

The cantina taco is hands-down the best taco I've ever had. I got the black bean version, and it was amazing! Once the Doritos Loco Taco came out, I wasn't going to eat any other hard shell taco ever again (I prefer soft tacos anyway), but this was the exception. 

Ignatz and Manuela got into Fire Emblem Heroes on the holiday banner! Yay! Seriously, though, Santa Athos when?

 I'm having a baby in May, so I'm probably not going to be doing a whole lot from now on.

Friday, August 27, 2021


I didn’t know that the Organization members in 358/2 Days came with 22 weapon variants and two joke weapons, one of which “reveals their true nature.” Vexen’s snowman shield and Saix’s rabbit claymore are cute, but the descriptions are negative (Vexen being cold-hearted and Saix being ambitious). I think it means the two of them have a soft side, as we saw in KH3. Xigbar’s trumpet is still a mystery. It says he likes to toot his own horn, but is the Master of Masters’s herald or something? Marluxia’s looks like the flowers he’s holding in the Union X art, which represents his sister. Strelitzia’s name doesn’t appear on any of his weapons, but that had to have been in the works pretty early on. It’s fun to think everyone has a weapons locker somewhere that they pull from, and Zexion has a bookshelf. The wiki guide made writing any fight scenes I write for him a lot easier. The weapons that Dilan and Aeleus have in Birth By Sleep don’t resemble any of the ones in Days, though. Braig’s weapons match the basic ones (that don’t use a gear). The fan art I’ve seen of Even’s shield doesn’t match any of Vexen’s arsenal either but does fit the aesthetic of Dilan and Aeleus’s. I found some good fan art recently, including a few fan comics. One of them is Aeleus asking if Ienzo is okay, and he says he’s fine because there are more important things to worry about as they greet Riku and Mickey. Another one is Even returning and Ienzo asking him for an explanation for his whereabouts. Even remembers when little Ienzo asked about Master Ansem’s disappearance. Ienzo says they were all supposed to stick together and makes him promise not to leave again. In another, Even tells Ansem that he’d hoped Ienzo would take after him, but instead he’s like Even. He thinks he’s cursed and projected all his problems onto the kid. Someone also drew a picture of Zexion working on his laptop with a sandwich hanging out of his mouth as a nod to his joke weapons.

The other night, I had a dream that Matt was wearing a unicorn hoodie and was telling his union of Keyblade wielders that he’d take them out for lunch if they beat Travis’s union. Travis, of course, was wearing a Trinket hoodie.

The Moxxie/Millie video is live. I have to comb through my content and make some playlists, the first being Christmas obviously.

I got it wrong. I forget who J. Michael Tatum has voiced in regards to Laura Bailey. I’m getting old.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Better Late Than Never

I shouted “MY BULMA!” when Ayame hugged Mine. The Kyoru hug looked like it was animated by James Baxter himself. I’m a little disappointed that the real story of the banquet was told entirely by Tohru instead of God and the animals all talking. If that had been the case, it would’ve been a missed opportunity not to have Liam O’Brien voice the cat (though I thought the animals should be voiced by the cursed characters and that God was Akira because they looked similar) since Matt Mercer is voicing God. His part was post-credits and the next episode where he tells Yuki he’s the last. I made a video with the orchestra version of “Don’t Think Twice," but Disney still copyright claimed it with ads. This is what I had been trying to avoid, but we’ll see if I ever get accused of advertising to kids. If I figure out another Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel video, I’ll use the Beer and Board Games clip at the end of that. I’m glad that a limited series was announced for the Kyoko/Katsuya backstory. It’s either an OVA covering three chapters, or it’s been called an anime series itself, so maybe they’ll flesh it out more? People are already saying that the age difference and power imbalance isn’t going to go over well with today’s audience. J. Michael Tatum is voicing Katsuya, so that'll be kinda weird. And I don’t normally watch reaction videos, but I liked FloraRed's reaction to the end scene: “Hajime!" I also liked HMK's reaction to Luxu taking Brain's body: “Luxu you son of a bitch!" 

Sailor Moon Eternal was my first time watching the new dub. The voice work was kinda stilted in spots, and the two movies suffered from pacing issues that a limited series could’ve rectified. I couldn’t help but groan and roll my eyes at times, as this story is more ridiculous than I remember. Otherwise, I like the voice cast and the animation was better than season 3. Robbie Daymond playing D&D reminds me of Will Friedle, by the way.

Ben & Jerry's tiramisu ice cream is probably my new favorite. Cannoli wasn't bad, but not exciting, maybe because the cannolis I'd get at the carnival had cherries, and I'm missing that. I'm glad chocolate Dunkaroos came back, and the lemon Pop-Tarts are pretty damn good.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Yet Another Top 10 Random Encounters

They've done another poll, so that means it's high time I did another one of these too. Honorable mention goes to Emergency Meeting: An Among Us Song, specifically for the bonus challenge video. I did think the ending was a bit corny. Another Honorable mention goes to Phasmophobia the Musical, featuring NateWantsToBattle, for the spooky atmosphere.

10. Minesweeper the Musical - I thought this was catchy and it made me nostalgic for playing it as a kid (and not really knowing how to play it, so this actually helped)

9. Amiibo the Musical - Another catchy tune illustrating AJ's amiibo obsession. An alternate ending truncates the song with murder and a terrified Miss Bird running screaming from the house.

8. Friday Night Funkin' the Musical - An interesting entry. I chose this one more for the colorful costumes, acting, and set.

7. Ice Scream Man‭ [‬An Ice Scream‭ ‬Song‭] - I think the first was better than the second, an introduction to the game’s lore as kids tell a story around a campfire. It’s a bop.

6. A Proper End: A Stanley Parable Song - It was fun to watch AJ flailing around and trying to push buttons. He's replaced by their cat in the end.

5. Luigi's Mansion the Musical - The roles of Luigi and the professor were acted well, and the humor in it was great. “It’s not right.”

4. God of War the Musical - AJ and Nate as Kratos from the original and new installments of God of War. It’s hilarious.

3. Cooking Mama the Musical - Very catchy and funny. “Mama quits."

2. Goose on Holiday:‭ ‬An Untitled Goose Game Song - I love everything about this video. It's catchy, funny, well-acted, and the costume Gwen made is amazing.

1. Spooky‭’‬s Jump Scare Musical - This song was well-written and well-executed, and it did a good job of endearing Spooky to the audience (or at least me). “I did it to SCARE YOU!" 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Penultimate Entries

I have not yet watched the Sailor Moon Eternal movies, but I'm going to. I also need to find a day to sit down with my husband and watch the seven-hour Critical Role Campaign 2 Finale. That being said...

I liked the fight in 139 where they’re all shouting things at Lucien trying to awaken Molly with the power of friendship. It was very anime, and Matt says this is his love letter to Final Fantasy, as there is a second final boss form to Lucien. I can’t wait for Jester to tell Molly that she found her dad just like he said she would. She and Caleb [almost] died in that fight, and Caduceus came in clutch after almost dying himself.

Episode 10 is probably the best episode of Fruits Basket the Final so far. Haru just casually ordering a pizza while the Kyo/Yuki fight was going on was hilarious. The old maid was a lot more sympathetic. I thought I remember her just being coldly disappointed in Akito for how she’d changed in the manga, but here she laments not being able to change herself. She too doesn’t know any other way to live after spending her whole life in service to the Somas. I wonder which maids are responsible for giving Shiki the note that says "Your mother is human garbage." Probably not her.

After giving it some thought, I officially shipped my insert character with Isa. I tried it with both Lea and Isa, and I've come to the conclusion that Sayuri x Isa was best for both of them. I've been trying to get her look down, but I always seem to default to service industry colors (white shirt, black skirt). The original idea was that Namine is blond with blue eyes, so Sayuri would have brown hair and brown eyes. The difference between her and Tifa is that she sucks at fighting. What I was really going for was Rin wearing Tohru's clothes from the summer vacation arc of Fruits Basket. Thus, Sayuri's relationship with Isa emulates Haru x Rin, at least esthetically. Fundamentally, they're a little bit Kyoru as well, with Saix's berserk mode being compared to the monster cat or black Haru.

For some reason I want to draw fan art of Vaggie drinking an Oreo milkshake. On the video front, the Fruits Basket one is finally finished, and depending on the last three episodes, I might make one more. I made a seven deadly sins-related stinger, and I'm trying to figure out what video I could make to attach it to. Or I could just throw it in the stinger compilation video like I did with the Patti Lupone clip.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

It's A Lot

Union Cross is over, and honestly, I’m not sure what I just saw. Player trapped four willful darknesses in the datascape along with them, but unfortunately everyone in the datascape is not sleeping - they’re dead and their Chirithy turned into Dream Eaters. Player’s heart joined with a new heart, which happened to be Xehanort’s. Since the timeline is screwed up, I don’t know when anything happens. I was hoping to see Skuld as Subject X, but it looks like she was Xehanort’s mom after all (unless Braig/Luxu took her back in time to when Ephemer founded Scala). She hands the baby off to someone in a blue robe, who takes him to Destiny Island where he grows up but then the blue robe drops dead. Brain lands in Scala where Ephemer has been memorialized with a fountain statue, and someone named Sigurd says his arrival was foretold. We see Marluxia in a field of flowers looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world, but then they cut to an unconscious Elrena on the cliffside where the evil queen dies, and there’s lightning around. Don’t be there, El! Someone help her! And then of course Ven is facedown in the Keyblade Graveyard, and we know what happens to him from there. Luxu goes on to possess Brain, maybe? I thought he was just supposed to give him the No Name.

Damn it, Kyo. Two episodes after telling Tohru he wouldn’t be disappointed in her, the episode title is “I’m Disappointed in You." It was spaced out more in the manga, but the anime doesn’t have that kind of time. At least that one maid had the correct reaction to the situation - screaming for help because Kureno got stabbed. At least Akito had the same reaction after the cliff crumbled beneath Tohru. Masterful acting by Colleen as always, as well as Momiji laying into her. Akito is responsible for her own actions, but I find it interesting that she got the knife and her emotional baggage from her mom.

RWBY Chibi came back because things got too real again in the main series. This time, however, it’s part of an anthology cartoon series that may or may not also include RTAA. Looking forward to seeing Yssa talk about Hamtaro games.

Key Lime Kit Kats are great, even better than the M&Ms. Still not sure I’d like the lemon meringue Kit Kats, but maybe if they came in regular size instead of bags of minis I would be more open to trying it. Or maybe those Dove candies I’ve seen advertised online.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Relationship Goals?

If only Akito had her spider-sense (God-sense) for important things and not just when their bonds break. Momiji’s episode was very jarring and sad, but he’s the strongest one for how he handled Akito, and he’s younger than her. It’s frustrating that the last season is only thirteen episodes, but the way that episodes 5 and 6 were paced, they’re moving some stuff up and condensing some other stuff. They haven’t shown Katsuya’s face in his picture, which leads me to believe that we won’t get Kyoko’s backstory at all. It was probably cut for time. That’s probably the most frustrating thing. I want people to know that Kyoko walked out on Tohru and was going to kill herself to be with Katsuya, and that she thought better of it and went home and apologized to Tohru for leaving. I don’t like Kyoko in that moment, I don’t like Kagura when she slaps Tohru, and I don’t like Kakeru for reasons we’ll get to, or maybe we won’t.

I saw Thought Bubble's video on love languages in Kingdom Hearts, and that made me think back to the character blurb stating that Even cares for Ienzo and my problem with him never really showing that. While verbal and physical aren't his thing, maybe acts of service would be, at least when they aren't serving his own ego. When this happens, he usually does so anonymously, like when he sends Dusks to aid the Twilight Trio. He probably thought he was keeping Ienzo safe by barring him from leaving the castle after the events of Birth By Sleep (I'm assuming, since we only see him outside when he's training Roxas in Days). Ienzo is an adult now, but he's still only ever seen indoors. When faced with writing how to ship Even with Ansem the Wise, I find it hard to reconcile their love languages. Ansem's is physical, which Even seems uncomfortable with. Even is devoted to Ansem (when not blinding himself with science), but that can easily be played off as a master-pupil relationship. Their opposite approaches to parenting Ienzo is cute and I am here for it. Ansem's response to Ienzo having been in danger was to probably hug him and take him out for ice cream, while Even put him in the corner (Ienzo visibly sighs before turning to follow him afterward - it’s already tense between them).

Unruly Rollers was a mess of a campaign, but at least you could make a drinking game around it. Take a shot every time Matt says “I’m ten" or every time they kill someone who was helping them. But not every time they roll ones because then you would die. At least Matt and Lindsay made it safely to their parents’ van. And since Matt had to keep reminding everyone he’s ten, I don’t remember what was said every time, but I just had to make a meme of a picture of Ienzo from Birth By Sleep: “Whose loose baby is this?!" “I’m ten."

Sprinkle has been “Artagan All Along.” They didn’t sing or reference that song, but it’s fitting.

Monday, May 3, 2021

I Need More Content

In part one of the Union Cross update, things are starting to move. Skuld, Ephemer, and Player stay behind with one ark in reserve while Brain, Ven, Lauriam, and Elrena go on ahead. The true Dandelion is data Strelitzia, apparently. There are six willful darknesses, which I think shows restraint on Nomura's part as it easily could've been seven. Brain gives Ephemer the Master Defender and the Book of Prophecy, saying he has a plan to come back and save them. I guess we'll see how that pans out if this ends with a flash forward to each of their fates. Anything to connect the dots between the main game and the mobile games. 

The third episode of Duckburg podcast was about ad-reads, and fittingly, Sam did the first one for Funzo's Fun Zone. Just a normal Thursday night for Sam. In episode 4, Donald says he loves Sam. He says his name with the same amount of gusto that he uses when he says David Tennant’s name. Sam features heavily in episode 6, primarily as Launchpad’s new friend Sal.

The acting in Dino Fury is still all over the place. Warden Garcia (Izzy and Javi's dad) is messed-up. In the beginning, he was just an obstacle to getting to the base, but then he got worse. It was one thing for Ravi's mom not to value his hobby, but Garcia took away Javi’s keytar (which went viral), and he fosters an especially competitive attitude in Izzy and their cousin. Void Knight is just Dr. Fries. His wife looks just like Nora, too.

Solitaire is supposed to come standard on computers, right? I got suspicious when achievements started popping on mine. Then the free trial ended and now I have to mute it when it plays ads every other round. It's so annoying. I'll take the boost in my gamer score. I don't play much else.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Brief News Updates

The end of Volume 8 is kind of a mess. Jaune and Team RWBY, along with Neo and countless civilians, have fallen through the world and landed on some sort of island with Yggdrasil in the background. Cinder is just as evil as ever, having kicked Neo off the edge and trapped Watts in an inferno. Now it’s just her and Salem in addition to Mercury and Tyrian in Vacuo. Let’s see if Ruby and company can escape this Underland and return to Remnant, though probably not the same as they were if the fable Oscar and Ozpin were talking about holds any weight. Spoiler warning: Vine and Penny’s deaths hit hard.

A new Hetalia series just premiered in Japan called World Stars. When it gets dubbed, Greece will need a new voice actor, and Taliesin will have to come back as England. Disney posted the first Duckburg podcast on Youtube, and I liked the part with Donald reading the credits: “Sam Riegel, again?" I'm still five episodes behind on Critical Role, so I will be using my vacation week to get caught up on everything.

I'm not enjoying Dino Fury so far. Certain characters are annoying at least half of the time, and other characters seem wooden or hollow. It's not necessarily their fault either if they're not given anything to do in a scene other than stand around while others talk. Mucus is probably the best character.

Finally got my hands on Friendly’s Cherry Pie ice cream. Best decision I’ve made all week.

I've hit 200 subscribers, and Journeyman Abridged has, too. Big things are coming. I just won't be able to put in much work in earnest until we move because my current living conditions have become too noisy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Overplaying Your Hand

I think it was a bit of a missed opportunity not to have Matt Mercer voice Ambrosius, the spirit of creation. Loved Marrow and Winter in episode 12 - they're sassy. Penny's human now, but she's missing her boots and gloves. I expected Ironwood to go back to normal in episode 13 once his semblance was broken and he shouldn’t have been hyper-focused on his goal, but he’s still cuckoo for coco-puffs, blasting Jacques and trying to do the same to Winter. Vine was the next one to nope out of the plan, nearly getting killed for it as well. Harriet is dead set on killing Qrow and blowing up Mantle because “it’s what Clover would’ve done." If that’s true, then Clover was an even shittier person than I thought. Cinder apologizes to Neo and says Watts is getting what he deserves when he stays behind to sabotage comms and presumably kill more people. I don’t know, Cinder being nice just feels wrong. Next time, I guess we’ll see what happens when you fall off a platform and disintegrate. Really wish someone would’ve asked Ambrosius why they shouldn’t fall, because people did and are still going to. It was already enough of a problem landing in Vacuo and instantly hitting a sandstorm and attracting Grimm there, we didn’t need a bottomless pit too. We could’ve ended the volume with the Grimm showing up in Vacuo and having the showdown with Cinder there, and then started the next volume with Team SSSN and Team CFVY showing up to save the day and have part of the volume be about them (without repeating everything from the books, of course). 

The Fruits Basket dub season 3 episode 1 dropped early, followed by a 10-minute Q&A with a few of the voice actors. Akito really went for it when she choke-slammed her mother, Ren. I didn't think they got that much air in the manga. I never thought about who might voice Akira (there will be another flashback with him, I'm sure), but it was Chad Cline, the original male voice of Akito. And Katelyn Barr (who voiced young Ritsu) voices Ren. Now that she’s had more lines, she doesn't sound as close to Akito’s voice as I’d first thought. Hanajima to the rescue - da da da da! Megumi has some good insights, even though he still feels the need to fake-perv on his sister's friends.

The DuckTales finale was kinda weird, but it made sense that they were building up to that. The end credits reminded me of the Kingdom Hearts end credits with all the characters doing things off to the side (in this case, free-falling from a plane). Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, that new version of the Final World cutscene from Melody of Memory. What purpose does this serve? I'm happy for them, of course, but they got them in the booth just for that? Well, they're all recording from home still, I'd imagine, but for one line each? They didn't even have to animate it because it was just static. Could they not see what was happening and that's why the debriefing became necessary? I would think the debriefing would have happened regardless. It's not like we see them waking her up. I also thought that Ven would've been normal, but it looks like he's been pure light all along. Can't wait to see how things wrap up next month, if they do at all in a satisfying way.

Friday, March 12, 2021


Just a thought, but if you put a blue anime wig on Joseph Gordon-Levitt, he could play Zexion. I was also thinking more of the staircase scene in KH2 Final Mix. It could’ve been done with Zexion sitting and reading in the common area when the other two came in and bothered him, but instead it showed them using the stairs instead of corridors of darkness to get around. It shows they value cardio, or maybe someone just wanted a more dynamic scene. In fact, since Axel and Larxene are having a conversation at the bottom of the stairs in the book, it would make even more sense for this to take place in the common area since other scenes of the sort take place there. Then have Zexion say he should go someplace quieter to read.

After hearing a scathing review of the Pride and Prejudice musical, which was an Amazon production apparently, I found the soundtrack posted to Youtube. The review wasn't wrong, but if you can get past the first twenty or so minutes, it's not that bad. The beginning is rough, but I enjoyed the parts with the Gardiners and Lady Catherine. Lady Catherine's song sounded like it could've been sung by Eartha Kitt. I would've loved to see that. She is like Yzma, scary beyond all reason. Then I found the Bob Jones University production on Youtube, which is also rough in spots, but also interesting. If the whole play had been Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's opening scene with the rest of the story playing out around them, I would've still enjoyed it. The actors playing them nailed their personalities (Mrs. Bennet’s nerves and Mr. Bennet’s chill attitude), and I could've watched them all day. Mr. Collins was another highlight; the actor really brought him to life in a way that I hadn't gotten out of the book. The actor playing Darcy could've just as easily been portraying Snape. The runtime is just shy of two hours, so they condensed things a lot more than I would've liked. Having Collins there in the beginning worked, but having Bingley announce that he's leaving at the first ball is moving a bit too fast. Bitch, you just got here. The set was simple and unchanging, but I enjoy the fact that it was two giant books and a sealed letter. The addition of swings in one scene surprised me. Overall it felt like a high school play with a little more production value, as some of the actors weren’t up to snuff, mistakes aside.

Sad that DuckTales is wrapping up next week. I just saw the one with Kit and the Sky Pirates. All Sam got to do was scream as the pirates got turned into chimeras. Now he IS Bigby’s Hand.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Mental Health Break

I wanted to start off by saying that I was kidding about the karmic victory. Obviously, that went out the window once the infrastructure started failing. Cold weather was the karma, not everything else. I fully expected to send plows and salt trucks (if their dumbass government officials would allow it), but everything else that happened with the electricity was astounding. I’m glad Beto and AOC stepped up where Cruz and Abbott failed.

Depending on what Xigbar does as Luxu, I’m starting to think it’s less like Ozpin possessing Oscar and more like Molly having been a part of Lucien. The Mighty Nein want their friend back, but he may not exist anymore. Braig may not exist anymore, and no one who knew him as such may choose to speak of him again. No magic or whatever involved, it’s all up to him. Additionally, the more I learn about WandaVision, the more I realize that Wanda is the Marvel equivalent to Raven. The Teen Titans episode “Fear Itself" is sort of like that (except as a horror movie instead of a sitcom), and Injustice would have pushed Raven all the way there instead of just turning to her father. Both of them struggle with loss and mental health issues, but what hero doesn't these days?

Speaking of loss, Hazel. It hurt when Emerald said his name. She is now the Gohan, as Oscar wants to keep her around, which Jaune and Yang aren't okay with (although, aside from fighting for Cinder and losing her mind when she thought she died, all she did was cause Phyrra to kill Penny and had nothing to do with Adam's actions and hated seeing the fall of Beacon). Ironwood is a monster. I would've liked to see Glinda take him down, but we’ll see what Qrow and Robin end up doing. I appreciate the Archer references - Elm yelling “WHAT?" after the explosion and Cinder just sitting and pouting after Watts took her down verbally. I can't believe that worked. Watts misunderstands Salem's intent, though - Cinder was racing the Hound to Penny, and she thought she would need to break him out to get control of her. Salem had left him to his fate. The Hound is the reason Penny hasn't reached the Vault yet, as her still unconscious body is shown lying next to Nora's bed. As for how Cinder's supposed to get the maiden powers once Penny's dead, she may not have absorbed any of it for the rest to come to her or she wouldn't be in Penny's final thoughts. If Penny had died thinking of Ruby, then Cinder would have to fight Ruby and keep her promise to Neo. We'll have to see what, if anything, gets sorted out in the next four episodes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

More of the Same

I was disappointed with the chocolate churro Pop-Tarts. Out of the four packets in the box, two of them were so hard I couldn’t even bite into them. The flavor was okay on the two that I could, but I wouldn’t recommend toasting them. On the plus side, I recently discovered the 12 pack variety boxes of strawberry, cherry, and blueberry. Now I don’t have to choose! Golden Grahams is sort of Nostalgic, but it’s definitely better now. I didn’t notice much of a difference overall, though.

It seems more people caught on that Gatomon could’ve been the DarkMaildramon that SkullKnightmon was riding on, so they changed it so that Gatomon had been turned into SkullKnightmon by Millenniumon’s dark power, not just trapped within him. That makes even less sense, and I hate that they would rather do something nonsensical instead of admitting we were right. MarineAngemon somehow between episodes gave them the power to fight and talk and breathe underwater as if they weren’t underwater. I didn’t quite like that, and it was weird that MarinDevimon just sat there and waited while Hikari had to calm Gatomon down from her freakout about SkullKnightmon and Digivolution. Everyone’s saying that Angewomon’s Digivolution was a Sailor Moon reference, and they’re not wrong. Otherwise, the Hacker’s Memory game is going well. Nancy Weeler and Brandeen have reached Dianamon and Lotosmon, and there’s still time left in the game for them to go back down to Ultimate and explore their other options (Sakuyamon and Kuzuhamon for Nancy and the Sistermon line for Brandeen).

RWBY hiatus is over. I liked the scene between Ruby and Blake where Blake tells Ruby she used to be like her but then thought she couldn't survive that way, so now she looks up to her. I explained that badly but it's a nice scene between my two favorite characters. It was kinda baller how Cinder helps Watts up but then puts him across her shoulders. Too bad they didn't say much. While that was happening, Kat and Flynt are in the army fighting Grimm, which Marrow doesn't like. He doesn't want to sacrifice any kids to this thing, but Winter says sadly that she would even sacrifice Weiss (and her friends) if she had to because of duty. That episode ends with an homage to DragonBall Z with Oscar as Piccolo, Salem as Radditz, and Hazel as Goku.

Wish I could trade weather with Texas right now, but I also see this as a karmic victory for one Jeremy Dooley. Negative 20 wind chill isn't funny, Jack.

Friday, February 5, 2021

I Have Notes

Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake might be my new favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor. Oreo Brookie-o's are thick, being one layer of regular cream, one layer of chocolate cream, and one layer of that chocolate chip cookie cream they did a while back. I also bought java chip and hazelnut Oreos, so those should be good too. What’s not good is Oatmeal Cream Pie cereal, although it did taste better the soggier it got. I want to get the Dunkaroos cereal, and maybe the retro Golden Grahams, though I don’t think there will be much of a flavor difference. Entenmann’s cherry cheese danish is the most delicious. Cinnamon Mini Wheats are good too.

Playing Hacker's Memory as a group. I have a Lunamon named Nancy Weeler (because the h wouldn't fit) in honor of Jack Pattillo (Dead by Daylight). I also currently have a Renamon named Brandeen (7 Days to Die), but I’m probably going to turn her into BlackGatomon and go from there (whereas Nancy will ultimately become Dianamon). Speaking of Jack, I looked up Ted Lewis's credits, and it looks like he was in Red Dead 2 also. Cool.

Gatomon has arrived in the new anime. She can talk to dogs (the Komondomon), and her plan was to use the sea current to travel, two things very unlike a cat. However, she also wants Kari to stay back out of the action, very much like a cat bringing you a dead bird because it thinks you’re too stupid to hunt and feed yourself. But in a nice way since Kari hadn’t gotten her Digivice yet, but now she has it. Next time is Angewomon, supposedly. After Patamon has consistently been Pegasmon, I was thinking Nefertimon would make an appearance soon too.

I have questions regarding the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss universe. Supposedly, there are some people who are being punished for their sins (it has been theorized that Alostor pulled Niffty out of a lake of fire), but it also looks like others are living their best lives in Hell. It's also unclear if Verosika was originally a pop star who went to Hell and became a succubus or if she was a succubus born in Hell who goes up to the living world in the guise of a pop star. People seemed to know who she was in both places. I wonder what the imps would look like in human disguises if they had them.

Friday, January 22, 2021

My Top 10 Videos (That I Made)

The three videos that I posted since YouTube halfway stopped working on my computer have either one or no views, so I’m guessing it didn’t make it into most people’s inboxes. That being said, I decided to make a top ten list of the videos I’ve posted. Honorable mention will go to the Kingdom Hearts comic dubs I collaborated on with two of my friends and my brother. They were fun but a lot of work.

1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Role - I may be biased, but I put this as my channel video (for newcomers at least) for a reason. It’s a crime that season zero keeps getting taken from YouTube and has never been licensed to be dubbed in English. I had such a good time watching the Monster World arc while I could. At least I have the manga to reread.

2. Organization Trolls - This is the funniest holiday video I’ve made. It’s a good thing there were multiple versions to choose from so I could include other parts as outtakes at the end. I think I matched the Organization members to the troll characters pretty accurately.

3. Saix vs Axel and His Other Friends - This was a messy video to do, but I’m glad I did it. Saix’s rendition of Spinel’s “Other Friends” song from the Steven Universe movie fits the situation (and to some extent, “Drift Away”). Isa is jealous of Lea’s new friends and thinks he abandoned him.

4. Face Your Fears in Hell - If not for the Helluva Boss season one trailer being posted, I would not have been able to finish this video and post it the same day. The characters of both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel have things they must overcome, one of them being fear. There are characters to be feared as well, such as Alostor and Robo Fizz. I’m glad I got to use the orchestral version for this.

5. Kingdom Hearts 3: Everything Stays and Kingdom Hearts 3: Home - These were both touching songs to use to serve as a backdrop to the different groups reuniting in KH3. Everything stays right where you left it, and when I’m with you I’m at home.

6. Tea & Trepak - This was a nice little video to make for the holidays. The classical ballet music meshed well with RWBY Chibi especially. I love that the thumbnail turned out to be chibi Roman and Neo.

7. Audio Swap: Michael Jones (and Miles Luna) - These two were fun to do, but the third one got  complicated (it’s staying up despite he who shall remain nameless). The openings are the best parts: “Shove it up your ass” and the beginning of the Camp Camp theme.

8. Yu-Gi-Oh! D&D - All three of them, but especially the first one. What do you think the series would’ve been like if it was about D&D instead of (or in addition to) the Duel Monsters card game?

9. Digimon Sekaijuu - This is the only Digimon video that didn't get taken down for copyright, and so it holds a special place in my heart here at number 9.

10. Ienzo x Raven: Love Like You - This is at number 10 because it’s a weird, impossible ship that I made up, but people seem to like it. I do too. With or without the lyrics, it’s a good one.

Here is my one step beyond. It’s a list of the top ten videos I had to take down. Honorable Mention goes to all the musical stingers that had to be cut for the main videos to survive.

1. Victory - This is one of my favorite musical pieces of all time. It was also the first video with a stinger. At least that part survived and went on to spearhead other audio projects.

2. Kingdom Hearts 3: Found a Way - If I couldn’t use the song at the end of the Power Rangers Wild Force/Time Force crossover, I wanted to use this one, especially because Drake Bell voices young Eraqus.

3. Christopher Lee Christmas (both) - I’m sad that I didn’t find out about Christopher Lee’s musical career until after he died.

4. Kanji x Naoto: Just the Way You Are - This song fits them perfectly, but at least I got to pick a different one that also suits them.

5. Red Like the Holidays - The extra Mini Moose squeak during the silent part makes this video.

6. Trent Kort: Party in the CIA - He got done dirty. This tribute was pretty great, and the cut stinger to another video continued it using part of Tangled's “I've Got a Dream."

7. Your Score-oscope for Today - The best part is where it gets to the “kill them” line with Jade’s eyes going dark (or the glare over his glasses).

8.To Be a Nobody - It had to be done. Trying to swap in the Jackie Chan version may have been too ambitious, though.

9. Sleigh Ride & Miser Brothers - An awkward two-part holiday video featuring Gatomon, Frigimon, and Meramon.

10. Go Go Digi Rangers - The first Digimon video I did, so it also holds a special place in my heart.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What Did You Think Was Gonna Happen?!

 Remember when I said that if Lea and Isa tried to sneak into a government building here, they’d get shot? While not sneaking, and only one person was shot dead, I guess I’ve been proven wrong. Also, I think I remember someone making a joke that Sora, Riku, and Kairi should play Raft together. I believe that Vexen, Luxord, Xigbar, and Demyx should play Sea of Thieves. Vexen's the captain, Luxord's the helmsman, Xigbar's the powder monkey, and Demyx is the musician.

I never knew that live duels were a thing, but apparently they've been taking place throughout the 2010s, and there was a series one reunion panel at the virtual New York Comic Con last year. I like Marc Thompson's Astral voice, wish they could've used that for Bakura's father instead of the personality they gave him in that wretched movie plot. The way Astral and Ryou say “Oh dear" is the same, and it's cute. The moment that surprised me the most was when Jack beat Pegasus in one turned, snapped his fingers, and summoned a throne. On top of that, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged is back for the Grand Prix filler arc. It feels like I'm back in high school, and not in a bad way.

The only episode of The Torkelsons I remember seeing is the one with Elmo, which is called “Educating Millicent.” The only episode of Almost Home, the sequel series, I remember seeing is “To Date or Not To Date," in which the two teenage daughters sneak out of the house, and Millicent demonstrates this with a loaf of bread. It's owned by Disney, which I didn't know. My mom used to watch it when it was on. It was the early 90s, so it makes sense she would've had me watch the Elmo episode with her or recorded it for me. The premise is that the dad walked out on the family, but it felt more like he'd died the way they were talking about him while looking in the yearbook.