Sunday, September 21, 2014


It had been brought to my attention that there has been a thirteenth sign added to the Western Zodiac. The reason for this is that the cosmos are changing, and now the sun passes through Ophiuchus in between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The dates have been changed along with most everyone's sign. Scorpio gets shafted because its dates are now November 23-November 29.
Needless to say, many people are not happy with this new system. The only people who aren't angry about it are those who weren't affected much or who hate astrology and don't give a damn either way. For the believers, I will point out that the Western Zodiac is not the only influence on who we think we are. For instance, the Chinese Zodiac is based on the year of our birth, and that system is not likely to change (no matter how much some of us love the Cat from the folk tale). There is also the system of ruling planets based on the day of the week on which we were born (although the Western Zodiac signs have their ruling planets too). Let's also not forget nurture, even though astrology is never used in any argument for nature in scientific studies.
Personally, I'm only a little bothered by the changes. I was born eight days late, so it actually kind of works out in my favor, IMO. Others on the cusp will probably have different feelings about it depending on their own attachments to one sign or the other. I don't know when, if ever, we will start seeing daily horoscopes printed with these changes, but until then we can probably ignore it if we want to. The non-believers already do.
Don't forget, there are plenty of other cultures with their own symbolism for you to look into. (this is how wand wood was determined in the Harry Potter novels). That site has loads of other astrology types as well. For further reading, the books I like to use are The Little Giant Encyclopedia of the Zodiac and Egyptian Birth Signs. It's great fun at birthday parties. Palm Reading for Beginners is good too if you're really into it.

Guess what I found at the library? Nope, still not a job. Dammit. They get angrier every time I ask, too. And it sure wasn't the books I was looking for. The parapsychology section there is pretty sparse. What I did find, though, was a book about the Western Zodiac that explained how we really have two signs - the normal one we use for the sun and another for the moon. I checked it out, took notes, and this is what it boils down to:
The position of the moon on the day we were born determines what sign represents our innermost thoughts and desires. The book has charts that graph where the moon was on the first day of each month of the year starting in 1958 and going as far as 2014. Then you have to follow two more charts to find out the exact(?) position of the moon on your birthday and what your moon sign is. I got Aquarius Moon. It's actually pretty accurate, surprisingly. What's written about it confirms what I always thought - that I'm weird. Now I've got three signs to worry about since I'm still torn between Aries and Pisces for my "sun sign." It also said we can learn from the sign opposite ours, but I'm not even willing to go there. I always skip over the compatibility sections and such anyway. You can tell me about my inner psyche but not what I should do.
In regards to the Ophiuchus thing from earlier, no I have not been able to apply the changes to these moon charts. The author of Sun Signs, Moon Signs: Discover Your Destiny is Lori Reid. She's British. They seem to be the most knowledgeable about astrology. If the Ophiuchus thing ever gets off the ground, maybe new editions will be published.

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