Saturday, September 20, 2014


I've been drawing a lot of babies lately, but I'm not very good at it most of the time. First I did a drawing of what I thought Zexion would look like as a baby. Then I drew a picture of all the Organization XIII Nobodies as babies because it amuses me - Riku was confused, Namine thought they were cute, and Diz couldn't take his revenge on helpless infants. I also tried drawing some of them as zodiac characters from Fruits Basket - Zexion as the Rat with Lexaeus as the Ox, Vexen as the *seahorse* inside a beaker full of water held by Marluxia as the Snake, Demyx the Rabbit, Saix puppy, Axel the Cat, Namine the Tiger, and Roxas the sheep. I haven't grown tired of the fandom (because I rarely do) but it is starting to piss me off a little and so I can't enjoy it as much as I used to. Next I'm going to try drawing the Organization members who didn't make an appearance in Birth by Sleep, even though I don't know their real names yet. Since Xaldin and Lexaeus were described as competing for first and second in the Organization, I tried to draw them arm-wrestling each other as Dilan and Aeleus. I've also looked up fan art and wrote stories based around them. One was yaoi so I won't post it here.

Note: Let me make one thing clear. I don't yaoi-ship the Organization. I don't mind it, but I don't think of them that way for my own purposes. Mostly it's because the creator left so much up to the fans to think up it's left too much to interpretation and we've ended up with the madness that has spawned minor shipping wars. It's ridiculous, and I'm not taking sides. I know not a lot of people like Zexion and Lexaeus together, but before anyone else flames me for thinking that I like them together, I just want to explain that I think of any bond between them as brotherly love. That's what I write about. If Zexion once thought of them as a family, then Dilan and Aeleus would've been like older brothers to him; Braig's the annoying uncle, Even's the spiteful uncle, and Ansem the Wise is his foster father.

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