Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Too Little

(inspired by MLP:FIM episode "Winter Wrap-up")

    Ienzo got up early one morning and caught up with Braig. "Can I go on patrol with you, Braig-oji?" he asked.
    Braig smiled and patted him on the head. "Sorry. It's too dangerous for a little guy like you. Why don't you see if Even-oji has something for you to do?"
    "Okay..." He wasn't too disappointed, but he didn't like being called little. Even was just getting set up when he entered the lab. "Is there something I can do to help?"
    Even looked around for something he was willing to let him do. "You can wash those containers for me," he said.
    Ienzo thoroughly cleaned the shelf of beakers and flasks with disinfectant. "Anything else?" he asked when he was done.
    "No, that's all for now. Thank you, though."
    "Can I watch?"
    "I'd rather you didn't. Run along, please."
    Disappointed at this dismissal, Ienzo went to Ansem's office; Ansem had said that he could always go see him when he was feeling lonely. Although Ansem looked busy with paperwork and such, he let Ienzo sit on his lap while he worked. Ienzo looked at the reports on the desk in front of them. "You've got a lot to worry about," Ienzo commented.
    "Making sure everything in Radiant Garden runs smoothly is a large job," Ansem replied.
    "Is there anything I can do to make it easier?"
    "Maybe one day, but for now just being yourself is enough." Ansem gave him a squeeze. "As long as you're happy, that's one less worry for me."
    While he was glad that he could make his master happy, Ienzo wanted to prove himself useful, so he went outside to see Aeleus and Dilan at the front gate. "Are you sure you want to stand out here all day with us?" Aeleus asked. "It gets kind of boring, you know." It was their job to guard the castle, but trouble rarely approached them; one could say they were deterrents.
    "Is it really okay to have your eyes closed?" Ienzo asked.
    "We can still hear everything in the area," Dilan answered, "and react accordingly."
    "Can I try holding that?"
    Dilan and Aeleus exchanged looks before Dilan reluctantly let the boy touch his lance. It was lighter than Aeleus' tomahawk, but Ienzo still looked like he was having trouble with it as it was longer than he was tall. Dilan took it back before he could hurt himself with it. "You're not yet strong enough to fight with one of these," he said gently.
    "When will I be?" Ienzo asked sadly. "Maybe it isn't my place to go out on patrol or defend the castle, but Even only lets me clean his tools, and I can't help Master Ansem with his paperwork. I just want to know what it is I'm supposed to do."
    "Right now you're supposed to be a kid," Aeleus said. "It's our job to take care of you."
    "I know, but where do I fit in?"
    "You fit in fine," Dilan assured him. "Don't worry about it."
    Ienzo didn't know what to do. He felt so dejected that nobody needed him to do anything, and he didn't know where else to go except back to his room to be alone. All he ever wanted was to be included, but he was always too young or too little.
    Ansem came outside looking for him. "I needed to take a break. Would someone like to go with me to get sea salt ice cream?"
    "I would!" Ienzo volunteered eagerly.
    Ansem chuckled as he took his hand. "When we return, you can help me double-check my work. Is that all right with you, Ienzo?"
    Ienzo grinned. "Yes, Master. I'd like that a lot."

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