Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kagemiya Sayuri part 1

(I don't think I've posted this before, so bear with me. I'm just using it to cope with a lot of things and this is only half of it.)
Chapter 1: Symptoms
    Kagemiya was studying in the library with Ienzo when she suddenly had a strange feeling. "Oh..." She touched her chest.
    "What's wrong?" Ienzo asked, concerned.
    "My heart...fluttered for a second. Like it missed a beat or something."
    "Do you want me to go get Even?"
    "No, that's okay. Maybe if it happens again,'s fine now."
    Ienzo went back to his reading but he still looked worried.
    Kagemiya had returned from making sure Dilan and Even were comfortable and helped Aeleus and Ienzo clean up. She let out a few errant coughs here and there. "Are you all right?" Aeleus asked.
    "Yeah, I just needed to catch my breath."
    "You can take a break if you need to," Ienzo said. He had all but forgotten about the time before, but he remembered when she coughed again and he saw her hold her hand to her chest. "Are you sure you're okay?"
    "Yeah, I'm fine."
    "Go lie down. We can handle this ourselves," Aeleus suggested, putting an end to it.
    Kagemiya went into the library and lay down on a bench to rest. Later, when she didn't return, they assumed she had gone home. While searching for a book, Even found her still curled up on the bench, fast asleep. Unsure of what he should do, he retrieved his book and asked the two what she was doing there. "Why is Miss Kagemiya sleeping in the library?"
    "She was helping us clean up, but then she started not feeling well," Ienzo explained. "She said she was fine, but..."
    "Perhaps she was still unstable like Dilan and myself. By the way, did you bring those linens down for us?"
    "No. That was her," Aeleus replied a bit sheepishly.
    "Oh?" Even was intrigued by this. Such a good girl, he thought, remembering her standing up for him against Marluxia in Castle Oblivion.
    Ienzo went into the library to check on Kagemiya. He found her still sleeping and decided to check her pulse, which was normal. Maybe Even was right and she was merely adjusting. He took off his lab coat and covered her up with it.
    Dilan quietly entered the room. "Even just told me what happened," he whispered. "I thought I'd come thank her but I see you haven't woken her up yet."
    "No, let her sleep for as long as she needs to."
    Coincidentally, she woke up on her own at that moment. "Oh, hello, you two," she said groggily.
    "Good evening, miss. I wanted to thank you for tending to Even and myself earlier," Dilan said politely.
    "It's already evening? I haven't been home yet!" Kagemiya panicked. She tossed Ienzo his coat. "You're welcome, Dilan! Thanks, Ienzo!" she quickly replied before dashing out. "I'll come back and help later!"
    "She just ran off?" Even asked when the four of them re-grouped.
    "Like a bat out of hell," Dilan replied.
    "She said she would come back," Ienzo added.
    "Still, to have run straight here after reconstituting instead of her own home..." Aeleus pointed out. "Hey, are you sure it's safe for her to have gone off on her own after dark?"
    "There was no stopping her," Dilan answered.
    "It's unlikely that anyone would cause trouble this soon after reconstituting. I'm sure she's fine," Even said. "Why don't you call her house to make sure?"
    Ienzo looked through Ansem's desk drawers until he found the list of emergency contacts. He dialed her number, and it rang a few times, but he was relieved when she finally picked up. "Kagemiya residence."
    "Kage-san! Thank goodness it's you."
    "Ienzo-kun? Is something the matter?"
    "No, we were just worried about you. But you made it home all right?"
    "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry for taking off on you like that."
    "It's okay. How's your family doing?"
    "Everyone's fine, I think...except my father's still not home yet."
    Ienzo gulped. "Do you know which world he was on?"
    "I'm not sure."
    "Don't worry. I'm sure he's okay wherever he is. He might even be in Traverse Town."
    "You think so?"
    He'd better be. "Yeah. I'm sure you'll hear from him soon."
    "You too, Ienzo-kun. I'm sure Ansem will find his way back to you."
    The last place we'd sensed him was Castle Oblivion. Who knows what could have happened to him since then? "If he even wants to come back."
    "Don't say that. Of course he does!"
    "I should let you get back to your family."
    "All right, but call me if you need help with anything."
    "I will. Goodbye." Ienzo hung up and thought about what Aeleus had said. She hasn't seen her family in years, and yet she came to check on us first. Given the circumstances under which we parted I suppose that makes sense, but... He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. She'd been a prisoner of the Organization, a human Nobody like the rest of them, but her family and friends were lesser Nobodies she wouldn't have recognized even if she had run into them.
    Before that, though, why did she choose to look after him, to spend time with him, instead of her own brother? It's true that their aunts checked on them, and their grandmother probably had taken care of them before she died, so I guess she wasn't always needed at home, he thought. Or maybe he just wasn't as lonely as I was. They couldn't have had just aunts, but uncles and cousins as well. And friends. Ienzo hadn't had any of that, only Ansem and the others. It wasn't nothing, but their duties kept them busy all the same.

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