Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wexy Part 4

Zexion: There's got to be an antidote around here somewhere. If I can find more of this stuff, I could create one myself...and then Demyx can go back to normal.
Axel: Stupid Roxas...choosing Demyx over me...even if he is a baby. Huh? Yo! Zexion!
Zexion: *gasp* Whoa! *crash*
Axel: Ooh. Ouch. You okay, little dude?
Zexion: Yeah...Wait. Why aren't the words in my head coming out of my mouth?
Axel: This could work. Yeah. This could work real well.
Zexion: Well, I guess it could be worse. It could be Xigbar.
Roxas: Now that you're all clean, I think it's time for your nap.
Demyx: Otay...
Axel: Hey Roxas! Look what I got!
Roxas: The hell?!
Zexion: I knew he was using me...
Demyx: Zeku!
Roxas: Is that really Zexion? Axel, what did you do?!
Axel: I didn't do this on purpose! He was looking for something in the lab, probably an antidote for Demyx, and he dropped it when I startled him.
Demyx: Yay!
Roxas: Great. Now he won't calm down. Thanks a lot, Axel.
Axel: Roxas, I...
Roxas: *sigh* Never mind, just give him to me.
Luxord: Ow! Ow! Not the neck! Agh! Mercy!!
Vexen: You know, this slug-fest isn't helping us find Demyx faster.
Larxene: Shh! Don't spoil it. I wanna watch.
Marluxia: Nom.
Vexen: Have either of you seen Demyx?
Xaldin: You just missed him. Roxas brought him in for a feeding.
Xigbar: Then a bath, since Demyx ended up making a mess. *pause* Don't look at me like that!
Lexaeus: I owe Luxord an apology.
Vexen: Roxas obviously didn't take him on his own. Let's go find them.
Roxas: That's better, huh?
Zexion: This is humiliating...
Demyx: Hug!
Roxas: Be careful with him, Demyx. He's not a toy.
Lexaeus: There you are.
Roxas: I can explain...sorta.
Demyx: Wexy! Bexen!
Vexen: What did he just call me?
Axel: It's not Roxas' fault! I'm the one who took him!
Vexen: Should've known.
Axel: Go ahead and beat me up! It's not like Roxas will care.
Roxas: Axel, you know that's not true.
Demyx: It's otay.
Vexen: So, Zexion got into it too, now, did he?
Zexion: Buh...(But I)
Vexen: What did you think you were doing? We had enough problems with just ONE infant Organization member! How could you do something so stupid?
Zexion: Wah!
Lexaeus: Grrrr...
Vexen: Uh-oh.
Axel: Nice knowin' ya, Vexen!
Demyx: Zeku?
Zexion: Wah!
Vexen: Here, take him! Just spare me, please!
Lexaeus: There now, it's okay. No more crying.
Zexion: Finally...
Vexen: That was close.
Roxas: If you hate kids so much, why do you have that stuff in your lab?
Vexen: Because it's science!
Axel: Hey, since Zexion's younger than Demyx, and you're younger than him, do you think maybe -
Roxas: Don't even start.
Demyx: Woxy!
Axel: Why not? Little Demy seems all for it.
Roxas: He doesn't know any better!
Demyx: Wheee!
Lexaeus: I think Zexion was trying to tell us something.
Vexen: I'm pretty sure he just wanted attention. We have to wait for Luxord to heal, anyway.
Axel: You mean that was the last of that stuff you had?
Vexen: What do you know about it?
Axel: That's what Zexion was looking for when he had And...yeah. Can you make some more of it?
Vexen: Ugh. I suppose I'll have to.
Roxas: Why would you want more of that stuff around after all the trouble it's caused? Stop it, Dem.
Vexen: To reverse engineer the antidote, of course.
Axel: Worried I'll spike your drink with it, Roxas?
Roxas: You'd better not!
Lexaeus: What were you doing with that gerbil earlier? Wasn't that the antidote?
Vexen: As I said, that will take time, which is why we needed Luxord. Better go apologize to him.
Lexaeus: Right. *poof* Luxord? I'm really, really sorry about beating you up. It wasn't your fault.
Luxord: Well it was an honest mistake, I suppose. No hard fee- wha? Another one? C-can I hold him?
Lexaeus: That depends. Do you forgive me?
Luxord: Absolutely!
Lexaeus: All right. Just be careful.
Luxord: Is this Zexion? Aww, he's adorable. Hello.
Lexaeus: Mm-hmm.
Xigbar: Baby Zexy? This really takes me back!
Luxord: Aaah!
Lexaeus: Xigbar, get out of here!
Zexion: Nice save, Luxord.
Luxord: So I guess this means you need me to turn both of them back to normal. All right, I'll do it...even though they're much cuter this way...
Lexaeus: That's the problem. People like Xigbar and Marluxia turn into pedoes when they're around them.
Luxord. You're right. It can't be helped. I'm gonna miss 'em though.
Lexaeus: They're not going anywhere.
Luxord: Okay, hold still, you two. Now you don't see ' you do!
Vexen: You did it, Luxord. Nice work.
Luxord: I'm so relieved nothing went wrong this time.
Lexaeus: Accounting for everyone's whereabouts definitely helped.
Roxas: I'm glad that's over. No more babysitting.
Axel: You were really good at it, though. Maybe I'll turn myself into a baby next so you can take care of me.
Roxas: Shut up.
Zexion: I'm going to go read in quiet seclusion and forget this ever happened.
Demyx: My sitar is calling my name.

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