Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fan Fic Introspection

Upon the release of Coded I wanted to explore some of the themes of the overall storyline (or franchise really, because let's be honest, they've just been cranking these things out to make more money) through what I have attempted to write in some of my fan fics (that involve other worlds and involve Care Bears as I mentioned before). The first KH game/story had more of a friendship theme to it as Sora had to deal with Kairi's disappearance, Riku's turn to the dark side, and making new friends wherever he ended up going. This gets rehashed to death in Chain of Memories, Coded, and to some extent 358/2 Days. Yes, these games are completely different from each other from a larger perspective, but overall gameplay is pretty much the same whether it's Riku, Sora, Roxas, cyber-Sora and cyber-Riku or whatever. KH2 had more to do with romantic relationships, mostly because in many of the worlds Sora visited he had to deal with the same situation over and over again: guy protagonist has a problem, girlfriend wants Sora to help him snap out of it. Rinse and repeat. Birth By Sleep had more of a family theme, the common denominator being that Xehanort is an evil homewrecking s.o.b. with an agenda of his own and no one seems to be able to stop him even though they know he's up to no good. Specifically, I have picked up on a father-son theme that I had been using to write my own version of KH3 or whatever the penultimate game will be called. Then Coded comes up with some slapped-on cutscene that explains why I have to start all over again (as stated in an earlier post).
I would still really like to write the ending I want, but now that the details have changed (because they like to make up sh*t as they go along now to fill in plot holes that allow them to make more games) I'm on my third or fourth different draft of similar events. In my newest version, I wanted to juxtapose laughing and crying into a scene I'm improvising until the game is actually released and I'm forced to start from scratch again. In this new scenario I've cooked up, Ansem and Aqua are brought back from the Realm of Darkness, but not quite by the means they had expected. The apprentices (well, except Xehanort and Braig, I guess) had managed to open a Door to Light because they truly regretted what they had done and wanted him back (the Care Bears' help, ala the sequel movie). Ansem reacts with laughter since they're back to normal and dressed in their lab coats and guard uniforms while he's still wearing the black coat. Ienzo (to whom I think I give way too much credit across the board despite being the "cloaked schemer" that he is, but seeing him as a kid in BBS made me feel like there'd still be hope for him yet) reacts by crying because he feels even more guilty upon seeing that. Ansem hasn't forgotten their betrayal, but his desire for vengeance had been wiped out when he went to the Realm of Darkness for the second time, so he can start to forgive them.
The reason I keep playing up on this vulnerability (I guess you'd call it that) goes back to what Zexion said in CoM when he noted that the Organization was beginning to fracture and that being in the Organization was supposed to have bonded them all together (to which Vexen takes offense somehow but Lexaeus tells Vexen to back off). In BBS we found out that Ienzo's parents died when he was still very young and that Ansem had adopted him, so the others were the only family he had up until becoming Nobodies, and it's apparent that he still holds onto that mindset. I'd imagine that the bond between Ansem and Ienzo is not unlike that of Erauqs and Terra, the only difference being that Xehanort merely banished Ansem instead of killing him like he did to Erauqs. Continuing with the father-son theme in other worlds, I also included events from Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, and references to Goof Troop. It would also be nice if everyone got to go to Kauai when this was all over and done with. Disney is supposed to be about wish fulfillment, but lately it's been mostly about saying no to things it doesn't like or would rather forget existed (like DisneyToons).

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