Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Little Kingdom Hearts part 2

Part 2 - 358/2 Days
Roxas: (pegasus)
A new world had opened up, and Roxas got to explore it alone just like he had Halloweentown. This time, however, he was transformed into a pegasus. No humanoids lived in Ponyville or in all of Equestria. He was sure this would be of interest to the Organization, so he made a mental note of it for later. He hadn't taken more than a few steps before he was zapped by something (again like Halloweentown). He looked up and saw a grey pegasus hopping up and down on a rain cloud with lightning bolts coming out of it. A blue-hided rainbow pony flew up to her. "Hey I think you zapped somepony down there," she warned. "You have to be more careful."
"Oops. My bad!" the grey pegasus trilled, hopping down from it.
"Sorry about her," Rainbow apologized to Roxas. "She's a little..." she moved her hooves in circles around her head. The grey pegasus looked cross-eyed at a butterfly that flew by and landed on her nose. It flew away but her eyes still stayed that way. It's a good thing she's not still on that cloud or that butterfly would probably be toast, Roxas thought.
"Hey, do I know you?" Rainbow asked. "You look sorta familiar."
"Nope. I've never been here before," Roxas said.
Raibow looked at him closer. "You sure?"
"I think I'd remember." The Organization had rules about interacting with the locals, but he broke that rule all the time. "I'm Roxas."
"Nope, that wasn't it. Hi, Roxas, I'm Rainbow Dash. Wanna come up to Cloudsdale and help me out with my weather duties? I don't think I can trust this one at all." She once again indicated the grey pegasus, who didn't seem to be paying attention to what was being said.
"I don't normally have weather duties. I don't know what to do."
"It's easy," Rainbow Dash said impatiently. "Come on. The faster we get this done the better."
"Do you smell something burning?" Roxas asked, still trying to get out of it.
The grey pegasus suddenly gasped, snapping out of her daydream. "I think I left my oven on! Muffins!" She flew away surprisingly quickly and accurately.
"I guess when she thinks her precious muffins are on the line she's okay at things, but otherwise she's a total space cadet," Rainbow observed. And so Roxas was roped into manual cloud labor, but it didn't take too long to kick certain clouds apart or drag others to a certain place to produce rain.
"Why did you want to get that out of the way so fast?" Roxas asked.
"I promised I'd meet my friends for a picnic and Derpy wasn't completing her part of the job fast enough," Rainbow explained. "It's nothing against her, really."
Roxas went along with it even though he thought she did have something against Derpy. He completely understood wanting to get work done in order to just chill with friends, as he still planned to eat ice cream up in the clocktower with Axel and Xion after he was done here. "I actually have work of my own to do before I can go hang out with my friends. Enjoy your picnic."
"Thanks!" Rainbow Dash flew back down to Ponyville. Roxas decided to follow as he didn't see how Heartless would be able to appear in the clouds - and even if they did they could only plummet to their death without any wings. He flew down and headed for the forest, wondering what Axel and Xion would be like as ponies and if they could fly too. Then he nearly got knocked over by somepony in an Organization coat running out of the forest as fast as he could, a familiar voice shouting "Run!"
"Demyx? Is that you?" Roxas called out, flying over his head to catch up to him.
"Oh hey Roxas," Demyx said, slowing down. "Whatever you do, DO NOT go in there! There's wolves."
"If there are Heartless in there, I have to go....Hey, you don't happen to have wings do you?"
"Nothing on your head either?"
"So you're just a regular pony then?"
"Yeah. But I met this funny-looking pink pony and she taught me a bunch of songs so I don't get scared."
"But Demyx you just got scared when you ran out of the woods and told me not to go in because of the wolves, remember?"
"Oh yeah. Well it was worth a shot."
Just then they heard more screaming coming from town, so they skulked over to check it out. Heartless had appeared in the town square. Roxas put his Keyblade in his mouth and prepared to take care of it, but Demyx had other plans. "Roxas, not here. Ponies don't understand that the Heartless aren't living creatures. Their princess would banish us to the moon for murder!"
"I'm on thin ice with Saix as it is, and they're terrorizing the townsponies. We can't just leave them here."
"I've got an idea." Demyx took out his sitar and started playing music, leading the Heartless away from town and back toward the woods. "There, now no one will bother you."
I guess even Demyx has his usefulness, Roxas thought as he took the hearts away from the Heartless he smashed. How long was he here before me if he knew all that stuff about this world already? It was a question that would go unanswered as Demyx disappeared as quickly as he had appeared to begin with.

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