Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mikage: A Nobody's Story part 2

Chapter 2: Babysitter
    A few weeks into the new semester, each student in their year had to buff up their high school applications by doing extra-curricular activities. Isa and Lea had ambitions of becoming Ansem's apprentices someday, but sneaking into the castle when Dilan and Aeleus had been called away was a mistake. After they had been escorted off the premises by said guards, they ran into Sayuri.  "What's up, you guys?" she asked. She was still wearing her school uniform and had her dark brown hair tied back with a bow.
    "Oh. Hey, Yuri," said Lea.
    "Sayuri," she corrected him, annoyed.
    "Are you here to apply for an internship too, Kagemiya-san?" asked Isa. "Good luck."
    To their surprise, Dilan and Aeleus actually let her in. "What the heck?!" Lea exclaimed, having been certain that they would have sent her away as well.
    "She obviously wasn't applying for the same position as us," Isa pointed out. "She wasn't trying to prove herself by sneaking in like we did either."
    "Like what? Scientist? Her grades are good but not genius-good."
    Dilan escorted her to Ansem's office to be interviewed. Ansem explained the situation. He repeated the same information that Even had told to Ven, only this time it was appropriate and not done in front of Ienzo. She told him a little about herself and agreed to do some light housework as well as babysitting. Ansem said he would be in touch when they needed her.
    One day Even was too busy in the lab to keep an eye on Ienzo, so rather than let the boy wander off he let him assist him in the lab. The table was cluttered with beakers and flasks, and Even accidentally knocked one over by bumping it with his elbow. It shattered on the floor, and Ienzo tried to help out by cleaning it up. However, he cut his finger on a broken piece of glass. Even didn't scold him or make a big deal of things; instead, he bandaged the wound and told Ienzo it was just fine. He then asked him to go to the library and read a book while he talked to Ansem for a minute.
    They called in "Miss Kagemiya" to spend some time with Ienzo. She showed up wearing her school uniform once again; as both the guards and scientists had their own uniforms, she wanted to feel like she fit in a little. Ansem brought her to the library and introduced her to Ienzo before going back to his work. Kagemiya sat down next to Ienzo and asked about his finger, but he wouldn't say anything. "Still not talking, huh. That must hurt. Would you like me to kiss it?" Ienzo regarded her for a moment then held out his finger for her to kiss. He went back to reading but was having trouble turning the pages because of the bandage. She then offered to turn the pages for him but in the end managed to give herself a paper-cut while doing so. She bandaged it herself and said, "Now we match."
    After she left, Ansem asked Ienzo if he'd liked her. He nodded, and Kagemiya was called back whenever they needed her. On the following Sunday, Ansem asked her to do some cleaning. Ienzo showed her where the cleaning supplies were and followed her around as she worked. Dusting all the shelves in the library was a daunting task, and Ienzo took it upon himself to help too. The dust made him sneeze but other than that he didn't make a sound.
    They took a break when Aeleus came in to check on them. "Has he still not said anything?" he asked delicately. Kagemiya shook her head no. "I was hoping that because you're a girl he would talk to you. He hasn't said a word since...well, we've all been very worried about him." 
    "There was a time once when I didn't talk," Kagemiya told Ienzo, who stared up at her. "I buried myself in books. When I wanted to say something, I wrote it down and handed it to someone else to read. But it isn't really a long-term plan."
    "We can't fight your battles for you forever," Aeleus added. "If you're ever going to learn to stand up for yourself, you'll have to start talking again."
    "You have to be brave. It won't be easy, but I know you can do it."
    "Yeah..." Ienzo responded, stunning them both.
    Aeleus hugged him. "How long have we been waiting to hear that voice again?"
    "This is my first time hearing it," Kagemiya exclaimed. "It's cute, just like you."
    Ienzo blushed at being called cute. "But...if what I say...doesn't matter..."
    "It does matter," Aeleus said. "I know it's difficult, but you can't let Even and Braig take advantage of your silence. You have to at least try." Even spoke for him, and Braig pestered him to try to get him to talk.
    "You're not alone, Ienzo. Everyone here loves you," Kagemiya added, "even if some have different ways of showing it."
    Ansem was in his office talking to Mickey when they heard a timid little knock at the door. "Enter." Ienzo meekly opened the door and walked in. "Oh, Ienzo," Ansem said fondly. "I know it's your bedtime. I'll tuck you in once we're done here."
    Ansem was surprised. " finally spoke," he said, getting up from his desk and hugging him. "I'm so glad."
    "Aww," Mickey commented happily. Aeleus and Kagemiya smiled from the hallway.
    Dilan and Braig came in for the night. "It's getting dark out there," Dilan said. "Let me walk you home. It's dangerous for a girl like you to be wandering around alone at night."
    "You think I look like jail bait?" Kagemiya asked self-consciously.
    "As if a nice girl like you would wind up in jail," Braig remarked.
    "Dilan's right. One of the three of us should see you safely home each time you're here," Aeleus agreed.
    "Thank you so much for your consideration," she accepted, bowing politely.
    "No, thank you for looking after Ienzo for us," Ansem said as he, Ienzo, and Mickey walked out of his office.
    "Kage-san's leaving now?" Ienzo asked, surprising Dilan and Braig.
    Kagemiya didn't object to this nickname. "Yes, I'm going home."
    "Will you be back tomorrow?"
    "If you need me to. Have a good night."

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