Thursday, September 25, 2014

Azu/Ouran Mixer Part 6

Chapter 6
Upon returning to the Mihama residence, the girls got ready for bed. However, after lights-out they stayed up talking about the night they’d just had. "So Chiyo-chan, what’s your final verdict on that place?" Yomi asked.
"Yeah. Did you and that Honey kid hit it off or what?" Tomo inquired.
"Well, Honey-senpai taught me a lot about how to defend myself if I’m ever in a tough situation like that," Chiyo-chan replied. "But other than that, I think he’s just a little too juvenile for me. I wouldn’t mind still being friends, though." Then she turned to Sakaki and asked, "What about you, Miss Sakaki? Was Morinozuka-senpai nice?"
"Yeah," Sakaki responded, smiling. I wonder if I’ll ever meet anyone like him again...
"Hey Yomi, what about Kyoya?" Tomo asked.
"What about him?" Yomi countered.
"Was he really as shady as we thought he was?"
"Well, he said he had no intentions of blackmailing us, if that’s what you mean. I was actually surprised at how easily I was able to talk to him, though he did seem a little distant."
"I guess that’s just the nature of his job," Kagura suggested.
"If that’s the case, he’s all business," Yomi concluded. "That’s all he talked about."
"I had fun," Osaka volunteered.
"It was nice of Kaoru not to leave you behind after Hikaru started that race," Yomi commented.
"And how awesome were their stories?" Kagura put in. "Maybe we should play kick the can sometime too."
"Or that start and stop game," Tomo added.
"I wonder, though," Kaorin said. "Don’t you think there was something strange about those boys?"
"Strange how?" Tomo asked.
"They just seemed...I don’t know. What’s that word, effeminate?"
"So they’re just upper-class pretty boys with manners," Yomi theorized. "Certainly not what we’re used to, so I can see why you would think they’re strange."
"Yeah, I guess you’re right."
"Anyway, Chiyo-chan has to give the school her answer tomorrow," Yomi reminded them.
"What are you going to say now that you’ve been there?" Tomo asked, a little apprehensive.
"I feel a lot better about saying no now," Chiyo-chan replied. "I’m sure they’ll understand."
"Good for you, Chiyo-chan," Kagura complimented.
"And just remember, everything that happened is our secret. If Yukari or Nyamo find out, there’ll be hell to pay," Tomo stated.
"Right," the others agreed.
"It looks like Miss Mihama turned us down," Kyoya announced as word had gotten to them in the next couple of days.
"Well it’s not our fault," Hikaru commented. "She probably just decided Ouran wasn’t the best place for her."
"It’s too bad, but we have to respect her decision," Kaoru added. So they’ve put a spell on their own carriage, too.
"She has it hard enough being five years younger than everyone else in her grade," Haruhi pointed out. "To switch schools again that soon probably wouldn’t have been such a good idea anyway."
"What really matters is that we made those girls happy," Tamaki put in dreamily.
"Tama-chan’s right. I think that night went very well," Honey agreed, munching on cake.
"I agree," Mori added.
"Hey Kaoru, do you think the boss is thinking about expanding our services to other schools like theirs?" Hikaru teased, snapping both Tamaki and Kaoru out of their daydreaming.
"What?!" Tamaki exclaimed.
Kaoru joined in. "I’d say he got a taste of something different and liked it."
"Stop making it sound dirty!" Tamaki ordered.
"You’re gonna rent us ou-out! You’re gonna rent us ou-out!" the twins sing-songed in unison.
"It’s not true!" Tamaki shouted indignantly.
Kyoya had had enough of this. "Knuckleheads." (*Bonkuras)
"Knuckleheads?!" the three of them exclaimed, incredulous.

Closing theme: Shissou (Ouran High School Host Club)
I run and run a thousand miles
And I am barely breathing
Only the fuel of a passion heart
Keeps this body strong and moving forward
Could it be I found a place to rest?
How far until I’m okay?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come
Once again to shift our shade and colors
The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now
Raise one hand to the sky! Raise them both! Lift them high!
And you’ll cut through the darkness - make it go!
The time to start is now, and I can show you how
Start with me and the world will be even bigger than ever before

* "dim when it comes to the bon," a term derived from a word for gambling officials who are slow at tallying the score

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