Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mikage: A Nobody's Story part 4

Chapter 5: Nothing
    Kagemiya's Nobody wandered the realm of the in-between in a daze. Ansem, who'd been banished by Xehanort and the others, was the first one to find her. "You...What is your name?" he asked, trying not to give his true identity away. He'd disguised his appearance and his voice to create a new identity for himself, as Xehanort had been so bold as to steal his name in addition to his apprentices.
    She couldn't remember it right away. "Mi...kage..." she stammered. Not only was she in a daze but she could also hear a familiar voice in her head similar to the one speaking to her aloud. "Hey...aren't you...Ansem...?"
    Ansem admitted to nothing. "My name is DiZ. You are going to be caught by Organization XIII. You are not to use your power to help them. Do you understand?"
    "Wh-what power?" For some reason she had a notebook and pen in her hands; she tried to remember what she had been doing before those things attacked.
    "Your ability is reading minds. Stop it." With that, DiZ disappeared and she was alone again, but not for long.
    "Hey! You!" shouted a familiar voice gruffly.
    Mikage spun around. "Dilan-san...? You don't look happy anymore..."
    Xaldin glared at her but explained, "That's because I no longer have a heart. Don't you know what Nobodies are? You're one too." He dragged her off to the Organization's castle.
    "Where are you taking me?"
    "To see the others."
    "They're here too?"
    They met Lexaeus and Zexion upon arrival. "Look who I found," Xaldin announced. "Remember her?"
    "Aeleus-kun...Glad to see you haven't changed..." Mikage said. Lexaeus didn't know how to react. "Ienzo-chan? Kiddo! You've gotten so tall since I last saw you!" All this in front of other members milling about as well.
    "What's wrong with her?" Zexion asked Xaldin, mortified.
    "She's still adjusting," he replied. "I told her she no longer had a heart, and we all react differently to that news." He was about to go tell the Superior, but someone else had already gotten him.
    Xemnas made her first name appear - Sayuri - and tried to anagram it with an X, but she yelled "No! I am Mikage! And I'll never work for you!"
    "Then I'll turn you into a Dusk for your impudence."
    "What's a...?"
    "Wait!" Zexion spoke up, surprising most.
    "Do you want to share her fate, VI?" Xemnas threatened.
    Six? Mikage didn't know why Xehanort was calling him that instead of his name.
    "Kage-san, please," Zexion urged, giving her a pleading look. Do something to save yourself. A Dusk is the lowest form of Nobody. You won't have a will of your own or any sense of self. He didn't know she could hear him, so he was surprised when she repeated back the information he'd thought about Dusks.
    "A Dusk. The lowest form of Nobody. I won't have a will of my own or any sense of myself."
    "That's correct," Xemnas said, unphased. "Will you reconsider?"
    She glanced briefly into his mind and found nothing good there. "Your intentions are evil. I won't help you. However, I don't want to make an enemy of any of you. I'll do whatever chores you ask me to do, and I won't act against you, but that's all."
    "She is good for doing chores," Xigbar said. "We could always use someone for that...someone who isn't a Dusk for a change."
    Xemnas scowled. "I couldn't care less what you call yourself. If you prove to be useful, you may continue to exist as you are. Just remember that you are nothing to this outfit and will be treated as such." He opened a portal of darkness and sent her to a locked cell somewhere in the castle.

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