Thursday, September 25, 2014

Azu/Ouran Mixer Part 5

Chapter 5
Later, the fourteen of them went outside to the courtyard where the rose garden and hedge maze were. "Are you ready, Chiyo-chan?" Honey asked.
"Yes, ready," Chiyo-chan replied.
"What’s going on?" Kagura asked.
"I’m going to teach her some self-defense moves," Honey replied.
"Should they be doing that with Chiyo-chan in a dress?" Yomi questioned.
"I’m sure Honey-sempai knows what he’s doing," Kyoya responded.
Honey began with some advice. "Okay, now in your case your best bet is probably to jab an attacker in the solar plexus with your elbow or to do a back kick to the shin. That’s if they sneak up on you from behind..."
"He’s got it covered," Mori agreed. He, Sakaki, Kaorin, and Haruhi decided to stay and watch while the others went into the hedge maze.
"Why does Chiyo-chan want to learn self-defense in the first place?" Tamaki inquired.
"Oh. Well, Chiyo-chan’s going to study abroad in America after high school and we were all worried she might get kidnapped or something," Tomo explained.
"Is that so? I’m sure she’ll be well taken care of. But your concern over your friend’s safety has touched me deeply."
"That’s right, she’s our friend. And we’re not giving her up without a fight," Tomo declared, a look of determination on her face.
Tamaki dropped his dramatic heartfelt pose and looked back at her thoughtfully. His thoughts were soon interrupted by Hikaru shouting, "Last one to the gazebo’s a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair!" Tamaki shouted as Kaoru, Hikaru and Kagura took off ahead of him and Tomo. "Wait, I can’t run that fast!" Osaka called out. Kaoru stopped and let her catch up to him, and then the two of them went on at a much slower pace.
"Knuckleheads," Yomi remarked as she and Kyoya continued walking. (*Bonkuras)
"Knuckleheads, is it?" Kyoya said. "I may have to borrow that from you."
The first four had made it to the gazebo and were waiting for the others. However, it had been easier on some rather than others. "Okay. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea," Kagura muttered, removing her shoes.
"Yeah," Tomo agreed, doing the same. "That totally killed my feet."
"Sorry about that," Hikaru apologized.
"We should’ve realized how hard it is to run wearing those things," Tamaki added.
The other four arrived soon after. "It took you long enough," Hikaru remarked.
"I’m just no match for y’all’s speed," Osaka sighed.
"In this case, I think you were better off," Yomi pointed out.
Because there was only room in the gazebo for six people to sit down, Yomi and Kyoya kept walking further into the maze, leaving the knuckleheads to their own discussion. "So what’s it like being twins?" Kagura asked.
"It’s pretty fun," Hikaru responded.
"It’s great because we’re built-in best friends," Kaoru added.
"I wonder what it would be like if I had a twin," Osaka said.
"One of you is enough," Tomo remarked.
They spent the rest of their time trading tales of their exploits. Then the clock chimed quarter-past eight, prompting Tamaki to say, "You certainly are a delightful group, ladies, but I think it’s time we rejoin the others and go back inside."

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