Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kagemiya Sayuri part 2

Chapter 2: Critical Condition
    Ienzo and Kagemiya were returning from running an errand when suddenly she put her hand to her chest again. This time it brought her to her knees. "Kage-san?" She was really scaring him this time.
    "Can't...breathe..." She collapsed on the street in front of him.
    "Kage-san!" Ienzo couldn't lose someone else. He knelt down beside her and flipped her over. Her face was flushed and her eyelids were fluttering rapidly. "Help! Someone help!"
    Braig was the closest. "What happened?" he asked when he saw them on the ground.
    "I don't know. She said she couldn't breathe and then she collapsed."
    Braig wasted no time in picking her up. "We need to take her to Even right away." The two of them ran back to the castle.
    She was awake by the time they got her to where Even and Ansem were. "What ails you?" Ansem asked.
    "My heart..." she responded before passing out again.
    Even instructed Braig to put her down on his examination table so he could attach monitors to her chest and wrists. Ansem stayed out in the hallway with Ienzo to console him. "It will be all right. She's in the best hands," he assured him.
    "I told her years ago to get this thing checked out," Ienzo whispered. "It was nothing back then."
    "Tell me what you mean."
    "It was only once, but she said she felt her heart skip a beat. Since it didn't happen again, she didn't tell anyone else about it. Back when we were cleaning up, it looked like it was happening again but she was able to get her breath."
    "I'm trying to stabilize her, but I can't seem to find the cause of all this," Even reported, stepping out into the hallway with Braig to join them.
    "What's happening to her?" Ienzo asked.
    "Her heart is beating so rapidly that it can't pump any blood. That's why she keeps losing consciousness. However, I haven't found any abnormalities within her system, so I have no idea why it's doing this."
    Kagemiya screamed from the other room as she regained consciousness once more, having no memory of how she'd gotten there; she'd never been inside the laboratory before either, let alone on the examination table. "Where am I?!" She only started to calm down when they all ran to her side.
    "You're safe, here with us," Ansem said soothingly.
    "Try to relax," Ienzo advised, sounding anything but relaxed himself.
    "You're going to have to be here a while," Even informed her. "Your condition is...quite difficult to discern." 
    "Am I dying?" she asked, terrified.
    "No. No one is dying."
    "All right. I trust you." She closed her eyes again.
    "Did she just fall asleep?" Braig asked when no violent convulsions followed.
    "Yes. She is quite exhausted," Even answered, gingerly touching her forehead and fixing her hair. Remembering the kindness she had shown to Dilan and him, he returned the favor by making sure she was comfortable too, putting a blanket over her and a pillow under her head.
    Ansem made sure to contact her family so they wouldn't worry too much. That night, Ienzo wanted to stay in the room with her in case she woke up and was frightened again; he was scared too. "Kage-nee-san..." he whispered to himself. Had this condition become worse on its own, or did her heart being stolen and then returning to normal do something to speed up the process? He didn't even know what had happened to her after he pushed her away from Replica Riku; they hadn't discussed it because the situation was moot. It wasn't any use getting mad at Lea, who was off with the other Keyblade masters. The monitor showed that her heartbeat was still too quick, but the medicine Even had started her on was slowly bringing it back down. "Please be okay."

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