Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Little Kingdom Hearts part 1

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship is Magic
Things they have in common with the new MLP (aside from some of the fan art you can find on Google images):
~Disney references - they are inevitable.
~Good is dumb - Hell yes. Bonus points for having a mentor who does pretty much nothing to help whether or not they actually try to do anything other than spout exposition. Although while Celestia was definitely trolling them, Yen Sid just retconned everything and the other mentors of light just made poor decisions.
~Kingdom Hearts moon - seriously. "Hearth's Warming Eve" has a giant floating magical pink heart in it. Same thing with the season 3 opener's Crystal Heart. That was basically the same idea. Sombra might as well have been Xehanort.

My Little Kingdom Hearts
Part 1 - Birth By Sleep
Terra: (earth)
Terra found himself in a wooded area. It was so dark he could barely see that he wasn't human anymore. This was highly unusual as he had not entered a world that had required him to change form to blend in before. He heard a low growling sound and saw that he was surrounded by timberwolves. He broke free of them with some well-placed blows from his Keyblade (as well as the initial startled bucking when his fight-or-flight response kicked in) and ran to a nearby cottage where a shy yellow pegasus lived tending to other animals. When she saw him she was scared because she had never seen him before, even though he looked just like a normal pony now. He tried to ask her a question but she had already hidden inside and locked the door. Terra sighed. "Well that was some greeting," he muttered dejectedly.
Another yellow pony, a small filly with no wings, scampered toward the forest. He called out to her. "Excuse me! Can you tell me where I am?"
"You're in Ponyville, mister. You new here or somethin?" the little filly asked.
"Yeah. I seem to be lost. I just got out of the forest and may have accidentally scared the pony who lives in that cottage."
"Oh, that's Fluttershy. Don't worry about her. She's scared of everything. I'm Applebloom, by the way."
"My name's Terra. Did you come out here to visit Fluttershy?"
"No. She's my sister's friend. I'm going into the forest to visit my zebra friend who lives there. Her name's Zecora."
"You can't go in there alone. It's dangerous. I just fought off a pack of wolves and who knows what else is in there."
"Okay. You can go with me then."
"Applebloom!" yelled a voice from a short distance away.
"Oh no, that's my sister," Applebloom groaned. "I didn't exactly tell her where I was going today."
"You shouldn't do things like that," Terra scolded. In fact, he wasn't so sure he should be seen talking to her in the first place since he was someone - er, somepony - she didn't know.
An orange pony wearing a cowboy hat ran up to them. "Applebloom! What did I tell you about wandering off and talking to strange ponies?"
"I know, sis. But Zecora's expecting me."
Terra didn't know whether or not he should feel insulted, but he decided to back out while he could and not cause a scene. "I'll just wander back into the forest where I came from and find Zecora to tell her you can't make it."
Applebloom looked betrayed and her sister eyed him suspiciously. Obviously she did not trust anypony - or any creature - that came out of the forest. "Come on, Applebloom, we've got work to do," she said at last, turning away from Terra and walking determinedly back into town. Applebloom followed sadly.
Terra did not know where in the forest Zecora lived, but he trusted himself enough to take care of any more timberwolves that might come his way again, not to mention any Unversed. He didn't have to look far as the zebra in question had come out of her hut in search of Applebloom when she didn't show up. He asked Zecora why some ponies had such a reaction like Fluttershy and Applebloom's sister. Her response was that a lot of ponies in town feared the forest and did not like to associate with those crazy enough to want to spend any amount of time in there. It was an awful feeling to be prejudged like that. Then came a knock at the door. At first they thought Applebloom had slipped away from her sister and come anyway, but it turned out to be Fluttershy. She had overheard the conversation with Applebloom and her sister, who she identified as Applejack, and had followed him back into the forest. For someone who's afraid of everything, she has a lot of guts to follow me in here, Terra thought.
"I wanted to apologize for hiding from you, and for the way Applejack treated you," Fluttershy mumbled.
"It's okay. I came out of nowhere and she was only looking out for her sister."
"It's not okay. We here in Ponyville are usually more welcoming of ponies."
Ventus: (pegasus)
Ventus found himself outside a town whose sign read "Welcome to Ponyville." He discovered he had wings and flapped them joyously but did not take off, opting to trot into town instead to check things out. He was greeted by a hyper pink pony, who gasped when she saw him. At first he thought she was shocked to see him, but she was just taking a long, deep breath before launching into her welcoming routine. At the end of her song, she hit the button on the side of her wagon, but nothing happened right away. "Wait for it..." she prompted. Sure enough, cake batter and confetti exploded on him and he was completely coated with the stuff. This felt more like an assault than a welcome. "Oops. Guess I put the cake batter in the confetti cannon and the confetti in the oven. Sorry bout that! You okay?"
"Of course he's not okay. Just look at him!" a white unicorn with purple mane said. Ven could barely see as he wiped the cake batter from his face.
Above them, a blue pegasus with rainbow mane laughed. "Classic, Pinkie!" She flew down and laughed next to Pinkie, both of them rolling on the ground. The unicorn was not so amused. "Okay, okay, I got this," the rainbow one said flying back up to the clouds and jumping up and down on one of them. Rain showered down on Ven and washed away the mess. She then flew around and around him like a tornado to dry him off, leaving his hair and clothing disheveled. This caused both the pink one and the rainbow one to break down laughing again. The unicorn rolled her eyes and magically adjusted his hair and clothes.
"Thanks," Ven said. "My name's Ven. What's yours?"
"Hi, Ven! I'm Pinkie Pie!" shouted the pink one, as if he still had batter in his ears.
"I'm Rainbow Dash, the most awesome flyer in Equestria!" the pegasus enthused.
"And I am Rarity," the unicorn said politely, in definite contrast to the other two.
"So I see you're a pegasus. Wanna race?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"I don't know. If you're as awesome as you say you are I don't think I have much chance of beating you," Ven said self-consciously. He'd just come back from Neverland so he knew how but now that he had wings he wasn't so sure.
"Aw come on!"
"Do it do it do it!" chanted Pinkie.
Ven looked to Rarity for help, but even she could tell that the pair wouldn't stop pestering him until he did what he was asked. "Okay, okay." He flapped his wings until he was hovering a few feet off the ground. Before he knew it Rainbow Dash took off and he tried his best to keep up with her while Pinkie and Rarity watched from the ground.
Aqua: (unicorn)
Aqua wasn't sure why she was a unicorn, but she more or less blended in with the array of ponies wandering about town. Not spotting any that looked like Terra or Ven, she looked for a place where she could readily find some information about where she was, and the library was the best thing for it. The place was minded by a small purple dragon and a purple unicorn.
"Twilight, we've got company," the dragon announced.
"Hello," Twilight said, not expecting company. "Can I help you find something?"
"I'm looking for two of my friends, but anything you can tell me about this place would be great too," Aqua said.
"Okay. My name's Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike."
"Number one assistant," Spike added.
"Who's number two?" Aqua couldn't help but ask.
"My pet owl, Owlowicious," Twilight answered without skipping a beat. "I haven't seen you before. Did you just move here?"
"Just passing through. My friends and I are on a journey and we kind of got separated. We never seem to be in the same place at the same time with a few exceptions. My name's Aqua. Their names are Terra and Ven." She couldn't tell them what they looked like - she didn't even know if they were all the same type of pony.
"We can ask around town and see if anypony has run into them, but for now here's a general reference guide of Equestria." Twilight levitated a book down to her, which she opened using her own magic channeled through the horn on her head.
As they headed outside they met up with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, who were looking up at the sky. "Hey girls, what are you looking at?" Twilight asked. "Is Rainbow Dash practicing a new trick for the Wonderbolts or something?"
"She's showing the ropes to this new fellow we just met," Rarity answered. "His name is-"
Rainbow Dash zoomed above their heads and another pegasus landed in front of them. "Oh! Aqua!" it spoke in Ven's voice. "Sorry."
"Ven!" Aqua exclaimed, startled. "What are you doing here?"
"Rainbow Dash challenged me to a race," Ven said sheepishly.
"Have you seen Terra?"
"Maybe he left already."
"I'm right here," Terra said, walking up to them with Fluttershy and Zecora.
"Since Applebloom couldn't go see Zecora, Zecora thought she'd go by the farm to see her," Fluttershy explained.
"Who's Applebloom?" Ven asked.
"She's the younger sister of our friend Applejack," Rainbow said as she rejoined the group. "Their family runs Sweet Apple Acres."
"Applejack did say they had a lot of work to do," Terra remembered. "But she was kind of hard on her."
"Aw," Ven sympathized.
"Maybe we should all go and help out," Rarity suggested.
"That's a great idea!" Pinkie cheered. "Let's go!"
On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, they were swarmed by the Unversed. Aqua used her magic to levitate her Keyblade while Terra and Ven held theirs in their mouths. "What are you doing?" Twilight blurted out. "What are these things?"
"They're called Unversed. If we don't take them out, who knows what they'll do," Aqua explained.
"You can't do that," Fluttershy protested. "They're living creatures. Maybe if we just asked them nicely..."
"The reason they're called Unversed is that they don't understand what it means to be alive. They just go around attacking for no reason."
"Perhaps these creatures are simply misunderstood," Zecora spoke. "The solution may be to lead them into the wood."
"Pinkie Pie, you know what to do," Twilight said.
"I'm on it!" Pinkie said, grabbing her one-pony band instruments and beginning to play. Thankfully the Unversed seemed to take to her music as she was able to lead them out of town.
"How did you know that would work?" Terra asked.
"There was an incident a while ago with some creatures called Parasprites. It was worth a shot," Twilight explained.
They arrived at the Apple Family's farm, where they had apparently been visited by some of the Unversed as well. "Those varmints didn't get our crops but they sure gave us a fright," Applejack said. "What are y'all doin' here?"
"We came here to help you since you were too busy to let Applebloom visit Zecora," Twilight said. "We met these three along the way. They're just passing through here on a journey." She introduced Terra, Aqua, and Ven.
Applejack took off her hat and looked ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry for the way I acted back there. Big Mac's accompanying Granny Smith on an emergency visit to Appaloosa so it's just us two."
"Did your cousin Brayburn say what happened?"
"One of the buffalo got injured during their annual stampede so Big Mac is helping cover for him while Granny treats his wounds."
"I thought I'd have time for both but it was kind of short notice and I'd already promised Zecora..." Applebloom went on.
"It's all right, little one," Zecora said. "Now let us all go and get your work done."
Aqua, Ven, and Terra stayed for a while and helped with the harvest and other various farm chores. After they were done they said goodbye and headed toward the forest alone as Zecora decided to stay longer at the farm along with the other ponies. Unfortunately for them another Unversed appeared, one of the big ones this time. Since nopony was around to see what they were doing, they fought this one off easily with teamwork as they had back in Radiant Garden. "I wonder what happened to the other ones from earlier," Ven said.
"Maybe they just left," Aqua hoped.
"Those timberwolves sure weren't fooling around," Terra remarked. "Hopefully they didn't run afoul of them."
"Wishful thinking as always you three," said a dark pegasus pony who appeared in front of them.
"Vanitas!" Ven exclaimed, recognizing the voice.
"I won't bother fighting you in this form. The Unversed you beat up on give me strength from their darkness."
"What do you mean?!" Aqua exclaimed.
"You'll find out soon enough." With that, Vanitas opened up a dark portal and vanished again.
"He's chickening out because he knows he can't win against the three of us," Ven determined.
"What if he's right, Ven?" Terra asked. "What if the Unversed are misunderstood like Zecora said, and fighting them just brings out the darkness in them?"
"If that's true, then this whole wild goose chase has been for nothing," Aqua said.
"It's too late to hit the brakes."
"You're not seriously going after him, are you?"
"We have to get to the bottom of this. We owe it to all the people we've met along the way."
"Terra's right. Vanitas is still out there, and we don't know the whole truth yet," Ven agreed.
"You're not going to go home, are you?" Aqua asked, already knowing the answer. "This is dangerous, Ven."
"Whatever's going on, the three of us have to stop it together. I know that much." Terra and Aqua nodded, and the three split up again to search for Vanitas and Master Xehanort.

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