Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Year Halloween Almost Wasn't

Exactly one week before Halloween night,
The denizens of Halloween Town had themselves a fright.
As preparations were being made for their one holiday,
News from the Human World filled them with dismay.
October thirty-first fell on a Monday that year,
And that fact alone filled some people with fear.
"Move it to Saturday the twenty-eighth," they said.
"Have the children trick-or-treat on that night instead."
Pumpkin King Jack exclaimed with regret,
"Move Halloween up two days? But we're not ready yet!"
Even the human children supported the change. "Since when do they care?"
Lock, Shock, and Barrel chorused with disapproving glares.
"They wouldn't do this to Christmas," Sally observed sadly.
"That's it! What would Sandy Claws do?" Jack pondered gladly.
"He wouldn't give up! He'd work double time!
Come on, everyone! I need your best recipes for slime!"
For the next few days Jack worked non-stop
Judging the best concoctions of slime and other slop.
He stayed up night after night waiting for the ideas to flow
But not one was good enough, and his exhaustion began to show.
Sally was worried. "Take a break, Jack. You need your rest."
"But it's Friday night, Sally, and not one of these ideas is the best,"
Jack sighed, leaving to take Zero for a walk.
Meanwhile, Sally slipped over to Christmas Town to have a talk
With Santa Claus. She asked, "Isn't there anything you can do?"
Santa Claus replied, "I may have a trick or two."
The next morning, the day Halloween was set to begin,
Jack sat at his desk, believing he just couldn't win.
He turned on the radio expecting bad news,
That he'd failed the children who'd said it was no use
Celebrating Halloween on a school night. But then -
A strange weather report from the human weathermen:
The Human World had been hit by snow - up to ten inches inland!
Halloween would be observed on Monday as originally planned!
This welcome delay filled Jack with delight,
For now he had time to plan everything out right.
And the snow had given him great inspiration;
The premature snowfall had definitely scared the nation.
"But where did it come from?" he had to ask.
Then he heard sleigh bells, grinned, and went back to his task.
So Halloween was saved from the naysayers' craze.
I hope they all learned a lesson - don't mess with the holidays!

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