Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Scars of Yesterday part 8

"Lights Out"
Zexion lay on his bed reading a book. Suddenly the lights flickered. He knew Vexen was working in the lab and using a lot of electricity. Over the next several minutes, the lights flickered more and more until they went out completely and stayed that way. He knew Larxene probably wasn't going to use her power to help restore the electricity anytime soon, at least not unless Xemnas ordered her to. Having no flashlight, he decided to open a portal of darkness to the library, for he knew there was a laptop there with a fully-charged battery. In the three hours it would take to use that battery, the problem should be rectified, he thought.
After he finished his work and closed the laptop, the lights still hadn't come back on. The ambient light from the Kingdom Hearts moon wasn't much to go by, and his legs were numb for having sat at the desk for so long. "I'll just rest my eyes for a bit," he muttered to himself, folding his arms on the desk and putting his head down. It hadn't been more than two hours, but it was late in the day, even if there was no sun in this world to rise and set. He supposed he missed that, sitting outside under a tree and feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin. The Nobodies looked like they hadn't seen the sun in years, especially Vexen, who never seemed to leave the lab. He let these thoughts lull him to sleep.
He dreamed of another memory. Whenever he'd go out on an errand with Ansem or one of the other apprentices, people in town (mostly women) would call out to them and make a comment about how cute he was. He'd voiced his concerns to Ansem and the rest one day after they'd returned home.
"You can't really blame them for thinking that. You're just so bloody adorable," Dilan had said fondly.
"He's right. It just can't be helped," Even had agreed, smiling. He'd seemed to be always scowling at him, but deep down he loved the boy as much as he could love anyone.
"If you don't like it, say something back," Braig had suggested. "Or just ignore it. They'll stop once you get older." Braig hadn't been referring to himself, of course; he'd never be too old to get picked on by him.
Ansem had patted him on the head. "Don't be in such a hurry to grow up."
At a loss, Ienzo had turned to Aeleus. "You know what I mean, don't you, Aeleus-nii?"
Aeleus, who'd always been the tallest and strongest among them, had not known how he was meant to relate to this child, who was quite the opposite. "...No, not really."
"No one understands me at all!" Ienzo had wailed, let down. After that he'd run to his room to hide out.
He was awoken by the sensation of someone lifting him out of the chair. "Lexaeus?" he exclaimed as Lexaeus slung him over his shoulder. "I-I'm awake, okay? Put me down."
Lexaeus put him down, but Zexion's legs were jelly and buckled beneath him. Lexaeus caught him again and picked him back up, holding him in his arms. "How long have you been in here?" he asked.
"Since Vexen caused a power surge." Zexion didn't like being carried like a child, but as his legs were pins and needles it couldn't be helped.
"It's fixed now."
Lexaeus opened a portal back to Zexion's room and set him down gently on the bed. He knew Zexion wouldn't have wanted anyone to see him like that. Zexion rubbed his legs to try to get the feeling back in them. "Thanks, Lexaeus," he whispered.
Lexaeus nodded. "We're going to Castle Oblivion tomorrow, so you'll need your rest."
"I know." Nobodies needed sleep just like regular people; losing their hearts hadn't changed that.
He remembered what had happened after he'd shut himself in his room all those years ago. After hiding in his room for the rest of the day, he'd skipped dinner despite Even's warnings that he wouldn't be getting any later. He hadn't cared, having been too upset to eat. Eventually, though, his stomach had started growling and he sneaked into the kitchen. Dilan had caught him, and he'd thought he'd be in trouble, but Dilan let him have a peanut butter and honey sandwich and some milk and listened to what he'd had to say. "I don't like it when people say that I'm small or cute and treat me like a kid."
"They mean well. I'm sorry. We just made it worse, didn't we?"
"It's okay when you say it, but I can't wait until I'm older."
"You'll be grown-up soon enough. Hang in there."
***(Everyone in Castle Oblivion ended up slaughtered either by heroes or by treachery except Axel, who died later.)

"Day of Waking"
Lea awoke in the secret room of Ansem's home in Radiant Garden. He saw the Door to Darkness on the far wall across from him, and on the cold floor before it lay the prone bodies of Aeleus, Dilan, Even, and Ienzo. They were still wearing their apprentice uniforms, and slowly they began to regain consciousness. Lea found a reflective surface and saw himself - still in the black coat of Organization XIII but missing the tattoos beneath his eyes. He was fully human again. He remembered his friendship with Roxas and Xion, but they were gone - alive within Sora who as a Nobody he'd died trying to save. Neither Isa, Xehanort, nor Braig were in the room with them, so he began to wander the halls in search of them.
Aeleus was the first of the remaining four to get up, stumbling around a bit before regaining his balance. To his right, Ienzo stirred, lifting his head and trying to prop himself up on his elbows. Instinctively, Aeleus knelt down to get himself more grounded as he tried to help Ienzo up. "Aeleus-nii..." Ienzo muttered as he became oriented to his surroundings.
"I've got you," Aeleus gripped him in a tight bear-hug, and Ienzo squeezed him back. It was as much of an embrace as it was the two trying to steady themselves.

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