Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dare ni Naru ka?

Don't be a fool, don't throw away
What you've got - the ones by your side
Life's a journey so enjoy the ride
Follow your heart, your own star
That will tell you who you are
Trust in yourself, believe in your dream
It's not as far away as it seems
But who will you become?
Who will you become?
Look around and see the world you're in
Face the facts with a frown or a grin
Ask yourself, "Is this what I wanted?"
Have no regrets or you'll be haunted
Ask your heart, ask the stars
You alone know who you are
Don't try to hide, don't run away
The journey to your soul will say
Just who you have become
So who have you become?
Is it you that you see
Reflected in the mirror?
And do you want to be
That person looking back in fear?
The truth lies within
The gaze of that reflection
You judge with your own eyes
The person you're becoming
So who have you become?
And who will you become?
You're becoming you

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