Saturday, September 20, 2014

Re: Wexy Part 4

So recently I uploaded what I think would have been a good ending for the fan comic Wexy because it didn't really have one (at least the last of it I could find was Roxas going to give Demyx a bath). My objectives for a proper ending were two-fold: Lexaeus had to apologize to Luxord for wrongfully beating him up, and Demyx had to be turned back to normal; both were extremely satisfying. The twist I added was that Zexion accidentally got turned into an infant too while looking in Vexen's lab for an antidote. I know some people wouldn't like that because it takes the focus away from Demyx a bit, but I had reasons other than liking Zexion just as much as I like Demyx. For one thing, what would make Demyx act up? Someone to play with. I was also inspired by the episode of Sailor Moon called Much Ado About Babysitting, in which Jordan's thoughts can be heard by the audience in voice-over. I figured since Zexion's younger than Demyx anyway he wouldn't be able to speak properly as an infant so we can read what he's thinking and unable to say out loud. I tried to bring everyone back for the ending but couldn't find a place for Xemnas and Saix. I'll just go ahead and assume that they were off-panel trying for a baby or whatever they had been talking about before. I didn't give Larxene and Marluxia much to do either, but since they love cruelty so much I imagined them watching Lexaeus beat up Luxord and eating popcorn. Also the part I'd joked about in my outtake video Wextras didn't happen. That was just my brother and me messing around.

I got to wondering what Terra and Aqua would do in Ven's position. For example, in Radiant Garden when he talked to Even and Ienzo. If you know me you know that scene kinda bugs me. Here's how I think it would go differently if Terra or Aqua were given that mission.

Aqua: Dilan and Aeleus would still try to stop her probably, and Even would still say to let her go. After the Unversed are gone, she would say to Even and Ienzo that it's dangerous outside. When Even explains that Ienzo's adopted, she would look sad and give her condolences because she has empathy and isn't a dumbass. As they walk away, she might notice that Even doesn't hold Ienzo's hand and think that maybe if he did he wouldn't lose track of him so often. She'd probably think he's a cute kid too (she probably thinks this about Riku, Sora, and Kairi as well but was too busy thinking "oh crap Terra did the ritual I must salvage this" and "oh crap she touched my Keyblade I have to fix this").

Terra: Dilan and Aeleus would probably try to stop him because it's still their job, and Even would still tell them to stay put. After getting rid of the Unversed, Terra would say that the area is clear for now and tell them to be careful. When Even says Ienzo's adopted, Terra would feel awkward but try to relate to him by saying that he is too. Terra is super-polite like he was with Merlin but still wonders why Even told him that in the first place. (Of course I'm most likely projecting my opinions onto both of them, but the whole scene with Ven was just so stupid. Ven did not handle that in the best way. Losing both your parents is not a good thing and he's not on his own because he has the other apprentices as his new family.)

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