Thursday, September 25, 2014

Azu/Ouran Mixer Part 1

Opening theme: Soramimi Keiki (Azumanga Daioh)
Lu la lu la
A piano sends its melody to fields of dreams all over the world
Believing the broken clock - whose side is time on?
Why is my heart waiting so eagerly for someone kind?
Tell me my wonderful future
Moonlight, moonlight sleeping
Lu la lu la
A girl awakens to the apple of memories and bestows a kiss
In the book spread open in sorrow
Their bell rings
Because I want to hug the one dear to me
Don’t cry anymore, goodbye sadness
The letters on the mysterious door say "Fancy Hearing Cake"
Welcome, for you
It’s the magic of love
Love’s all way
Everyday, the fluffy temptation of wheat
Cake for you
Please eat, tonight
Tea for you
Is a tea party of constellations
A chorus of angels at the window
Did you just fancy hearing that?
The voices saying "I love you, I love you"
Chapter 1
In their second year of high school, the girls were over at Chiyo-chan’s house for a study session. "Man, I’m tired of studying," Tomo complained.
"I’m not sure I’ll ever understand all this," Kagura agreed.
"We’ll be taking entrance exams next year," Yomi reminded them. "Of course, if you think college is out of the question, there’s always marriage."
"But none of us even have boyfriends," Osaka pointed out.
"So you’ve said before," Tomo sighed. It was true. During first year’s summer break, Osaka had indeed pointed out that none of them had boyfriends to show off their style to. Then there was this past summer break, when their P.E. teacher Nyamo had gotten drunk and told them all about the birds and the bees. "What we need to do is find us some man candy."
"Like Thunder Rice Cakes? Something like that?" Osaka asked.
"No! Boyfriends!" Tomo shouted.
"But all the guys at our school are pervs," Kagura sighed. There was no denying this. Most of the male student body admired their classical lit teacher Mr. Kimura, who was so up-front about his infatuation with high school girls.
"So what’s your solution? Speed dating?" Yomi asked.
"I don’t know," Tomo replied. "There have to be some classy guys out there somewhere." Letting her eyes wander around the room, she spotted a piece of paper on Chiyo-chan’s desk with the Ouran Academy letterhead on it. "What is this?!" she exclaimed, snatching it up and showing it to Chiyo-chan.
"Oh, that came in the mail today," Chiyo-chan answered. "They want me to come take a look at their school to see if I might want to transfer there next year."
"What?!" her friends all gasped.
"You’re not seriously considering leaving us, are you?!" Tomo shrieked. "Just because you’re so rich and a prodigy and everything!"
"No, no! I’d never even think about leaving you guys!" Chiyo-chan protested, looking frazzled.
Sakaki imagined what Chiyo-chan would look like in the Ouran High School uniform - that formal-looking yellow dress with poofy sleeves. Then she imagined what she herself would look like in it and came to her usual conclusion that she wouldn’t look nearly as cute as Chiyo-chan.
"What a relief!" Osaka said.
"Yeah, I don’t know what we would do without you," Kagura added.
"Hey, there’s something else that came with it," Yomi pointed out, picking up another piece of paper that had fallen from the desk when Tomo had snatched up the letter. "‘You are hereby invited as a special guest of Ouran Academy to the annual ball held by the Ouran High School Host Club.’"
"What’s a host club?" Kagura wondered aloud.
"Sounds like a social committee that hosts parties," Osaka suggested.
"There’s more," Yomi went on. "‘If you agree to come take a tour of our facilities, you and six friends will be given the honor of dancing with the members of the Host Club. While you are not required to commit to making a decision regarding your transfer in order to attend the night’s festivities, we would love to see you there.’"
"So does that mean the Host Club is all guys?" Tomo asked. "This could be our chance to get out there and meet some people!"
"That also means there are seven of them," Chiyo-chan added. "I should invite Kaorin."
"Yeah, get her in on this too!" Tomo agreed.
"But we’ll need to go looking for dresses and learning formal dance moves," Kagura pointed out.
"It’s in a week, right?" Yomi asked, looking over the sheet again. "That should be plenty of time...but I’ll have to step up my dieting plans."
"It also says we need at least one adult chaperone with us," Chiyo-chan said.
"We can’t ask Yukari and Nyamo," Tomo stated. "They’ll just freak out and ruin everything."
"Yeah, what’s that word Yukari uses?" Kagura asked.
"Bourgeois," Yomi answered. "For sure she’d cause a scene, and Nyamo, too, trying to calm her down."
"We can’t even tell them about it," Tomo added, "or else Yukari will still overreact. It’ll be a big mess!"
"I think my parents are the ones who are supposed to be chaperoning," Chiyo-chan spoke up, "since this is about me possibly transferring there."
"‘Cept ya ain’t," Osaka pointed out.
"So you’re just using me to meet new people?" Chiyo-chan asked.
"It’s not like you’re not getting anything out of it," Tomo said.
"But she’s an eleven-year-old, surely they know that," Yomi pointed out. "She’ll be dancing with an older man."
"I don’t have a problem with that," Chiyo-chan said. "The dance at the sports fest was no big deal."
"All right, then. Go ahead and RSVP for all of us," Tomo cheered.
"Right!" Chiyo-chan agreed.

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