Sunday, September 21, 2014

Song Parodies

The Success Song - Yu-Gi-Oh! Style
Tea: You were prepared to do your best
Had what it takes to pass the test
All those doubts you can dismiss
Turns out you were prepared for this
Joey: You clearly have just what it takes
Duke: To win a duel with such high stakes
Ryou: We knew for sure you would prevail
Tristan: Since when does Yugi Muto ever fail?
All: All those doubts that you can dismiss
Trust yourself and you cannot miss
Turns out you were (Yugi: Turns out I was)
Turns out you were (Yugi: Turns out I was)
Turns out you were prepared for this

Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter Parody (Luxord and Xaldin)
When all the drama's too much to take
Someone to blame may give you a break
But who to pick to be the scape-goat
Without appearing lame or one-note?
When you need two Brits
Seasoned and legit
Expendable as shit
There's one pick for it
Robin Atkin Downes and David Dayan Fisher
Chops to spare with lots of flair but still D-listers
One is kinda crazy, the other's kinda hazy
What they're not: too hot to trot or just plain lazy
You could have a big audition, even look all over town
But you'll have more of a hit with at least one of them around
Robin Atkin Downes and David Dayan Fisher
If it were any easier they'd be much richer
Grab a microphone and catch their dulcet tones
As voice-over artists go they can stand alone
They will try to get you to hate them
But that just gets them more well-wishers
They could be their own cliche
At least it sure does seem that way
Let's give a lukewarm "Hip-hooray!"
To the day players known as Robin Atkin Downes and David Dayan Fisher
To Robin Atkin Downes and David Dayan Fisher

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