Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Best

I could care less about football and sports in general, but I really like SuperBowl parties. The best part of any party is the food, so New Years parties rank somewhere up there too along with birthday parties and Halloween parties, with Thanksgiving and Christmas rounding out the list.

Here's a banner made up of some icons other people made:

IMO, the best year was 2010. Birth By Sleep came out, which prompted me to write a prequel for one of the book series I was working on at the time (unfortunately I'm not working on any of those right now because I see no more point in writing any of them since so many of the people my characters are based on are no longer friends with each other and/or me). I'm really looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix next year. 2010 was also the year I got my first job (which I no longer have because I didn't have as much energy after my heart surgery, so they asked me to give the apron back or be fined). I used to go to that job on Saturday nights and go home and watch FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Kekkaishi on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim (a channel my family can no longer afford). It's also the year I got into watching reviews on TGWTG because one of my college friends sent me a link to Linkara's review of Archie Meets the Ninja Turtles. After that I watched the Critic's first Care Bears review as well as Kickassia, and then I was hooked. It's sad to think that so many of them gave up or parted ways or continue despite hating their job, and of course there are the numerous stupid Internet copyright laws that different reviewers have conflicting opinions about. But it's also awesome to think that it's led to countless relationships and at least one marriage (congrats Paul and Elisa). Speaking of pairings, I've begun to ship Ienzo (Zexion) and Raven. Not seriously, of course, but it does make sense on some level.

2010 was also the last year that I was single. I'm not saying that's a good or a bad thing, but it is a thing.

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