Saturday, September 20, 2014

Double Feature #6

Meet the Fockers
I saw the first movie, and I didn't like it that much. Then I bought the second one on DVD, hoping that Ben Stiller's character's side of the family would be better. Boy was I wrong. The only good thing about this DVD is the special features, which for some reason includes a behind the scenes look at Scrubs.
The movie starts out a little awkwardly, just to point out how inappropriate-sounding Greg's real name is. Everything's going great 'til Greg and Pam (about the only normal or normal-ish characters in the entire film) get to Pam's parents' house. There we see Robert DeNiro as the doting grandfather, which is rather cute, but then it all goes to hell. Whoever made this movie must have either been drunk or overly obsessed with women's breasts. When they drive up to the Fockers' house, we are treated to seeing Dustin Hoffman doing some kind of tai chi/martial arts workout in the front yard. As someone who saw (and enjoyed) Kung Fu Panda, this just screamed Master Shifu. Despite my best hopes, it was all downhill from there. It was just one inappropriate thing after another, and as usual things go horribly wrong for Greg. I couldn't even sit through the entire movie, but since the first movie had a payoff in which DeNiro's character came to accept Greg and Pam's relationship, I trust that this movie ends on a slightly better note.
However, this movie is more bad than it is good. If you're going to watch a Ben Stiller film, make it Night at the Museum 1 or 2. Those were spectacular. Or any other film with Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand, or any of the other actors.

Alvin and the Chipmunks 2
After learning that there would be a sequel, I knew it would involve the Chipettes. I was glad when this was confirmed by the first full trailer. However, as is the trouble with most sequels, I don't think it quite lived up to the standards of the first one. I'd give it a 9 out of 10. Others have been less forgiving, but that's their opinion. Given a choice, I'd just stick to the 80s cartoon and leave it at that.
The Chipettes arrived at Jett Records by FedEx. In the 80's cartoon, they hopped a boat from their oppressive situation in an Australian orphanage (yet the characters still had American accents). In this movie, they get themselves into a similarly oppressive situation when they sign a contract with Ian Hawk, the Chipmunks' former manager from the first movie. I don't dislike David Cross, but I was not happy to see his character return (though I have heard that this is why he drinks). Nevertheless, this movie was less about the rivalry between the Chipmunks and Chipettes and more about the solidarity of the brothers after they start attending high school. They did go to school in the old cartoon, but it was a much younger student body. I felt that the storyline was kind of weak in some parts and the CGI Chipettes had less personality than their cartoon counterparts. While I was not going to hold my breath for them to sing their song from the 1987 film The Chipmunk Adventure, it would've been nice if they had. In fact, I was a little disappointed that they didn't do any songs from the old days like in the first movie and instead focused on today's music. However, this was still an enjoyable movie, and the appearance of Quest Crew really made my day.

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