Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thought Processes and Otaku-dom

This is a collection of pics depicting different thought processes. Welcome to...
[Saki Hanajima’s Wave Report]

The Scientific Thought Process - test subject: Vexen

The Stoic - Sakaki (still waters run deep)

The Cloudcuckoolander (whatever that is) - Osaka (a rock skipping)

You Know You're an Otaku when...
I've kept a list over the years of every crazy thing my friends and I have done that prove we're hardcore fans of something (usually anime and occasionally Star Wars), plus things I've heard of other people doing and stuff I made up. I've pared it down to a top 5, but there are many others from specific series.
5) You take the games way too seriously;
4) You can see references to a particular series in almost anything;
3) You find yourself imitating the poses of certain characters without even trying or intending to;
2) You want to use Microsoft Access to make a sort of Pokedex;
1) You find connections between otherwise unconnected series and form conspiracy theories around them (not to be confused with number 4 on this list, which is just thinking about something in terms of something else - this one goes a step beyond to the limits of conjecture and insanity).
(Coincidence? Maybe, but even his armor's called No Heart for crap's sake!!)

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