Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 8 Missteps of Deathly Hallows (both parts)

Aside from general continuity flaws and missing explication, there are some mistakes or oversights that just kinda bugged me about the last two films. If you haven't seen them, there are spoilers ahead. If you've read the books, that's great too. Before we begin, watch this video about the first seven movies recapped/explained in seven minutes (very funny and concise).

8. What happened to Fleur's accent? This is the same character from Goblet of Fire, yes? Even if we get no explanation in the movie of how she and Bill Weasley met, she's still French. I don't care how long she's been working/living in Britain. It's fine that they left most of the wedding preparation scenes out of it (also skipping over Harry's birthday celebration, which is lampshaded in the film by Hermione), but come on!
7. Crabbe is missing. I know this is probably due to the actor being busted for growing marijuana, but his character is replaced with Blaise and his Fiendfyre-casting duties/death are given to Goyle.
6. Dudley's redemption. This was originally higher on the list, but it ended up being on the deleted scenes section of the DVD, so I have less of a reason to complain now. I would've preferred that it had been put in the movie proper, possibly in place of the scene with Harry and Hermione dancing since there is also a deleted scene with Hermione and Ron spending time together that wasn't in the book.
5. Professors Sprout and Trelawney during the battle for Hogwarts. While they are present in certain brief shots during the aftermath, I was sort of hoping to see them launching mandrakes and crystal balls as projectiles during the actual fight.
4. Teddy Lupin. Like everything else regarding the relationship between Tonks and Remus, Teddy was just kind of swept under the rug or brought up at random, meaning that only those who read the books knew what the heck the characters were talking about. While I'm glad they didn't include the scene where Remus attempts to join the three rather than face his home life and the possibility of his child being born a werewolf, they could have at least had him show up at Shell Cottage to announce the birth. At any rate, the running gag with Tonks being interrupted every time she was about to mention anything about it was not funny either and had been going on for a while. Not cool.
3. Kreacher and the house elf army. While I'm glad that the whole pointless S.P.E.W. subplot was left out of the films, they could have at least mentioned that Dobby went to work at Hogwarts after he was freed. They also should have shown Harry giving the fake locket to Kreacher and gaining his trust, resulting in Kreacher rallying all the Hogwarts house elves to his side during the final battle. This also would have set up the kissing scene between Hermione and Ron to take place in front of Harry, prompting him to say "Oi! We're in the middle of a war, here!" Yeah, it didn't end up happening that way, and although it doesn't matter in the long run, I was looking forward to hearing him say that. Oh well.
2. Harry snapping the Elder Wand and throwing it off the bridge. Almost everyone I saw this in the theater with reacted to this negatively. I'm sorry, Harry, but didn't you have a wand that needed fixing, the only wand for you? Or do you want to continue using Draco's wand for the rest of your life? Nope, just going to snap it and throw it, not even bother putting it back in Dumbledore's grave? Fine, whatever. Still, there's only one thing that pissed me off more than this scene and that's...
1. Wormtail. It's not just me who was looking forward to seeing what happened to him onscreen. I've seen specials on TV where people have analyzed the series and were also awaiting the whole "life debt" plot point to pay off. But what do we get instead? "Ow." He just gets knocked out in the basement and that's the last we see of him. No explanation, no flashback, not even another mention of him for the rest of part one or in part two. We all know he got strangled by his own hand due to Voldemort's power for hesitating to stop Ron and Harry from escaping the basement, but we deserved to see it onscreen and not just assume it happened later. In fact, he didn't even get the chance to hesitate. What the hell?!

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