Saturday, September 20, 2014

"Too Much Pink Energy"

"Too much pink energy is dangerous" - a clip made infamous by Linkara at every instance of the color pink in comics (originally meaning that two of the same Ranger cannot exist at the same point in time).

I don't hate the color pink, but I don't like too much of it. If there's too much girliness going on, I reach for the shonen manga. However, that's not to say that I've accepted Shonen Jump as my lord and master since Tokyopop went out of business in the U.S. Shojo manga does seem to have a calming effect as well (I guess, depending on what you read and what's happening in it). When it comes to writing for women, though, there can be some serious issues in storytelling media.
Chauvinism and misogyny are not quite the same thing. Misogyny is defined as a hatred for women; this often results in female characters being abused or belittled. Chauvinism, while also appearing to see women as inferior, is defined as a boastful or unreasoning devotion to one's gender, race, etc. Chauvinists are more likely to be men who feel the need to protect the women around them because they do not think them equal to themselves in their ability to do so. They look down on them because they care...sort of. (This happens in my favorite episode of X-Men Evolution, which I'll be discussing next time.)
Whether a man or a woman, however, I think it's best to be somewhat androgynous. It's all right for guys to be reasonably sensitive and for women to be reasonably aggressive - in fact, I think I prefer it that way. Characters are often written as stereotypes, though, so it doesn't happen as often as I'd like. A lot of live-action shows on Disney and other kids channels seem to portray women as either crazy or dumb much of the time. That's not to say that the male leads aren't also flawed, but the shows tend to revolve around them as the main almost-normal people while the women in their lives do crazy/stupid activity-of-the-week that is crazier or more stupid than their activity-of-the-week. This is not always the case, but I've seen enough of it.
Update: Okay, so maybe I should've included Minnie Mouse in my short list of non-evil queens, but she's only a queen in Kingdom Hearts. Outside of that, she's anything she/the writers want her to be. Either way, she's awesome.

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