Saturday, September 20, 2014

KH Pitches

A while ago I had a couple Kingdom-Hearts-related dreams, one of which could be a great idea for a spin-off game. In this dream, Kairi gathered the rest of her fellow Princesses of Heart who were now armed with Keyblades like her (although now I'm thinking Namine should have a gun that shoots crayons and other Disney princesses can have their own weapons of choice, like Merida's bow and Rapunzel's skillet and various knives for others like Pocahontas, Tiana, and Mulan). Joined by Minnie and Daisy as well as a few others they meet along the way, they set out to free the worlds from a resurgence of dark entities. The final scenes would include meeting up with Sora and Riku at their Mark of Mastery test and finding Aqua in the Realm of Darkness and convincing Ansem to leave with them. But I don't think the franchise would seriously go that route, even though it would be potentially awesome.

Another way they could go, instead of that idea, would be to have the former Organization Nobodies go on missions to redeem themselves or whatever situation they find themselves in (I really have no idea what the next game will be like so my best guess is that they would at least be exploring worlds again like in 358/2 Days). For example, one idea involves Demyx and Zexion (or is it Myde? and Ienzo) investigating Atlantica around the time of The Little Mermaid 2 (again, probably not something the game would actually do if they are pretending all DisneyToons productions don't exist). Because they're human again, Demyx (until there's some sort of confirmation of his real name, I'll just stick with his Organization name) can become a merman. Ienzo prefers to stay on the dry land side because he can't swim, never having learned how to when he was younger. So they split up to complete the mission involving Ariel's daughter Melody.

PIXAR: Sydney Harbor (Axel-fish: I'm looking for my friend Roxas. He's small and has blonde, um spikes. Have you seen him? Dory: ...Hi, I'm Dory. Axel-fish: *face-fin*); Ant Colony (Roxas and Zexion arrive at the colony and overhear Flik's conversation with Dot about being little. They then get involved in the plot after the grasshoppers show up and Flik accidentally knocks over the offering.); Andy's Room [or Bonnie's Room] (Sora and friends are assumed to be new toys); Monsters Inc (Lexaeus and Vexen try to use the doors to get to different worlds, but they soon become involved in the plot of trying to save Boo from Randall. Vexen doesn't care but Lexaeus empathises with Sully and all but forces Vexen to help).

Because Disney doesn't own the rights to Harry Potter (although they do have far too many Harry Potter weekends on Disney-owned ABC Family) they can't have a mission there. However, the Dementors seem like they would fill the role of what the heroes have to fight against (Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed), as well as the occasional Boggart. If they could legally do that, it seems like it could be a lot of fun. If not, that's what fan fiction is for.

Google Image Search reveals I'm not the only one with a princess army idea. Sweet.

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