Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Absolute Worst

Ice + Villain Songs
Some people don't like Vexen from KH's Organization XIII because he's old-ish and creepy. But compared to other "ice" characters I think he's the least of several evils.
Example 1: I've seen Nostalgia Critic's review of Cool as Ice starring that god-awful Vanilla Ice. If given a choice between living next door to Vanilla Ice('s character) and living in the basement of Castle Oblivion with Vexen, I'd choose the basement. Granted the basement also has Lexaeus and Zexion, but that's beside the point. The only reason I can enjoy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II despite Vanilla Ice is that at least I can ignore his presence to some degree. In Cool as Ice, that's pretty much impossible to do. So for the record, I'd rather do Vexen's chores than be anywhere near the whitest rapper until Eminem. (Note: he uses actual ice in this movie, so that's why he counts.) Otherwise, it was nice of him to do the TMNT Mac and Cheese commercial with his song from Secret of the Ooze.
Example 2: Batman and Robin. You know, the one with Ah-nuld as Freeze. Bad movie, bad acting, and really bad puns. Vexen is well-voiced in both Japanese and English and doesn't have to resort to any of that crap. Blizzaga!
Example 3: Professor Cold Heart from the old Care Bears cartoon has a voice that will grate on your ears, and he is creepier than Vexen. He was the original villain before they did a second series with a different company introducing a new villain. No Heart is the better villain, and since an anagram of Xehanort minus the X is 'no heart,' it's hard not to think the two are a conspiracy rather than coincidence (both mysterious, evil, and powerful, but I digress). (See CR's Familiar Faces #71
In short, Vexen pwns them all...before getting pwned by Axel, which I have mixed feelings about.

I've been thinking of doing a list of the worst villain songs. Most of the time they get some of the best songs but others don't sing and are better off for it; others just shouldn't sing or aren't given the right song to sing. Off the top of my head I can name three that are the worst; the others I either haven't paid attention to or have blocked out entirely.
~3: Professor Coldheart's theme from The Land Without Feelings. It was fine in the show when it was just the background instrumental version. With's just bad. He should not be singing. At all.
~2: Jafar in The Return of Jafar. He sang in the first one, and it was fine because he was revealing Aladdin to be a liar in addition to initiating his hostile takeover of Agrabah. The song they gave him in the sequel went beyond him being power mad to completely bonkers. Never try to out-crazy the Genie even if he's voiced by Homer Simpson instead of Robin Williams. It doesn't turn out well.
~1: Forte in The Enchanted Christmas. I always fast forward past this song because I can't even stand to look at it let alone hear it. Tim Curry's a fantastic singer and has done other stupendous villain songs, but this one really just sucks. His "Toxic Love" from Ferngully and "Don't Make Me Laugh" from The Pebble and the Penguin are more tolerable than this one (which is called "Don't Fall in Love," BTW - see what I did there?). There had to have been a better way to get Forte's point across whether it was expressed in song or not.

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