Saturday, September 20, 2014


Even and Braig
I'd been thinking about Even and Braig since BBS. First, how did Even know where Terra was? And how much did he know about what Braig was up to (since he's most likely the one who had to patch him up afterward)? A little while ago I added to my idea of their backstory that they had been friends growing up until Even's strict father put an end to it. In that version, Even had a sense of humor and Braig was less annoying (but not by much). Incidentally, both Derek Stephen Prince and James Patrick Stewart can do adorable chibi voices. Squee!

Chibi Reviewers
No, not chibi sprites representing reviewers, the reviewers themselves as chibis - or in this case tots. It started to become a trend among Internet reviewers to show home movies of themselves when they were kids relevant to the subject they were discussing in a particular video. It started with the Nostalgia Critic Doug Walker (as far as I know - I don't have time to watch all that many different people and follow them religiously) leading up to the infamous episode with Mara Wilson getting her "revenge" for him judging her as a child actress for her choice in roles in that she played some of his old footage. Nostalgia Chick Lindsay showed herself in an old video from a school project, but it didn't look like it was taken all that long ago. Anyway, the two videos I have in mind are Phelous and PushingUpRoses. Phelous' took place in one of his Ninja Turtles reviews as a young Phelan Porteous opening up his Ninja Turtles action figures on Christmas morning in Canada. Yay. There was also Roses, aka Sarah, who showed a home video of herself as a particularly squeamish child (she said she was a wimp). Not only do we have the same first name, but I empathize with her (although I still am a wimp). However, you will not see any home videos from me - even if I could get my hands on some footage to edit, my parents weren't and still aren't very tech savvy, so no home movies to speak of. That also means I didn't exactly grow up playing video games either, so as you might have guessed I have a lot of experience in not fitting in. Sorry, guys, I was raised low-tech and with low expectations so I can't do much more than what I'm already doing - less with bs copyright claims on YouTube.
P.S. Don't F*** With Mara Wilson.

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